Mla9 Sampl
6is iz u sampl v mla9 r1ti9. 1 em not very ukustmd t t1pi9 in mla9 --
yw7ly 1 qnly ywz it wen 1 em r1ting stuff wi5 pen r pensl, in krsiv,
l49hand, qr 4n m1 4fis w1tbqrd. It's intristi9 t sy haw sum pypl
wil kum in and jst ryd 6 stuf az if 68 n0 wut it sez. Az if it wr
ritn in nqrml I9li5 qr3ogrfy. And sum pypl wil jst l2k at it n s8
wut iz 4l 6at krap?
Sum n0ts ubawt 6 krsiv fqrmz: m0st letrz l2k jst l1k 6y I9li5
vr7nz, bt 1 wontd nevr t haf t kr4s m1 T'z r dot m1 1'z. S0 4l 6
letrz 6t nydd 6at sqrt v aftr-6-fakt umendmnt got 4ltrd. 6 T wz
hit h4rdst, bt J, O, and X wr 4ls0 hevly modf1d. In udi5n, 1
c8njd 6 letrz 6t ywst t end up 4f v 6 b8sl1n, n l0rd 6m. 6 letrz
ufektd b1 6is c8nj wr B, V, and 6 nwi5, W-l1k rauwndd fqrm v 2.
1985 explanation might shed a little light on this.
Perhaps one day I'll combine the 1985 explanation with
these images into a real story that explains it better.
And adds links to Ned's entry, and the little Boing Boing
guest blog that mentioned Unifon.
1:30:12 AM