Saturday, October 1, 2005
Here's an article from the Ann Arbor News about Newt Gingrich's take on America's problems. From the article, "Sure, our borders are wide. But if Russia can control its borders, so can we, according to Gingrich. That said, Gingrich favors legal immigration. He advocates a 'blue card' system that would allow immigrants to work here if they agree to follow U.S. laws. If they break the agreement, they could be deported, without appeal, in 48 hours. What about businesses that routinely hire illegal immigrants? Gingrich would deter them with fines so large they would have to file for bankruptcy. In the case of a company like Wal-Mart Stores Inc., which earlier this year paid an $11 million federal fine for contracting with janitorial services that used illegal immigrants, that would be a mighty big fine."
Thanks to Oval Office 2008 for the link.
Category: 2008 Presidential Election
8:01:04 AM
Referendums C and D
Bob Ewegen skewers Jon Caldara in his column in today's Denver Post [October 1, 2005, "How to earn $10.4 trillion"]. Ewegen writes, "Figures don't lie, but they can be stretched and distorted and manipulated and twisted. So it is with the latest claim from the Independence Institute's Jon Caldara that approval of Referendum C would cost taxpayer's $31 billion over 25 years."
The Rocky Mountain News editorial staff is urging voters to pass Referendum C on November 1st [October 1, 2005, "Cutting through the fog on Ref C"]. They write, "But a fundamental element of that picture has changed. Thanks to economic recovery, the state is now collecting more revenue than it will be able to spend under the TABOR formula. And those surpluses will have to be returned, absent Ref C. So if Ref C fails and the state contribution to higher education is trimmed next spring - and you can count on it - for the first time the cuts will be TABOR's fault. They simply would not have been necessary if the state had been able to keep the surplus."
Category: Denver November 2005 Election
6:56:44 AM
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Last update: 3/14/09; 7:47:30 PM.