2004 Presidential Election
Dazed and Confused Coverage of the 2004 Presidential Election


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  Sunday, August 22, 2004

2004 Presidential Election

Here's an article with more details about the widening Swift Boat controversy from the AP via the Rocky Mountain News [August 22, 2004, "Kerry Urges Bush to Demand Attacks Stop"]. From the article, "The White House and the Bush campaign have denied any direct connection with the Swift Boat group. 'The president has made it repeatedly clear that he wants to see an end to all' advertising from outside groups, said Brian Jones, a Bush campaign spokesman. But on Saturday, a former POW, retired Col. Ken Cordier, resigned as a volunteer from the Bush campaign's veterans' steering committee after it was learned that he participated in an anti-Kerry ad sponsored by the Swift Boat group. The ad criticizes Kerry's congressional anti-war testimony in the 1970s alleging U.S. troops engaged in atrocities in Vietnam."

Ed Quillen discusses military service and it's effect on the ability to be president in his column in today's Denver Post [August 22, 2004, "Military service? So what "]. From the column, "If we judged only by a politician's military experience, then the Confederacy should have won the Civil War easily. Abraham Lincoln served for a few weeks as captain of a volunteer company in the Black Hawk War, and was court-martialed because his men stole the regiment's whiskey and got drunk...In short, there's no real evidence that a military record makes much difference to voters, and perhaps rightly so, since it doesn't seem to make much difference in the White House. But when the Bushites refuse to distance themselves from 'dishonest and dishonorable' people like the Swift Boat Veterans - that might tell us something worth knowing.

John Kerry's weblog has the full text of the article from William Rood where Mr. Rood defends Kerry's Silver Star citation. The article appears in today's Chicago Tribune where Mr. Rood is a senior editor.

The Rocky Mountain News editorial staff discusses the differences between the presidential candidates over energy policy [August 22, 2004, "Beware Kerry's energy policy"].

Electoral-vote.com: "Another poll (Rasmussen) in Colorado says the the race there is tied. Could this possibly be true? Most experts thought Colorado was in the bag for Bush. Let's wait for another poll before debagging (sic) it."

How are the presidential candidates doing with voters under 30? Here's a link to Newsweek's first Genext poll. From the article, "With just under three months and a Republican convention to go until the election and during an August that has seen some uncharacteristically fierce summer campaigning, attitudes among young voters appear to be solidifying. More than two thirds (68 percent) of those who say they will vote for the Bush-Cheney ticket say they will 'definitely' do so. Last month, that number was 57 percent. And 58 percent say they 'definitely' will vote for the Democratic ticket, up from 54 percent last month. There are very few undecided voters and almost no leaners in the young generation of voters: just 4 percent of those polled did not, or could not, say whether they would vote for Kerry, Bush or Nader." Thanks to Blogs for Bush for the link.

Taegan Goddard: "Here are the latest state polls from the presidential race: Florida - Kerry 47%, Bush 46% (Strategic Vision); Pennsylvania - Kerry 48%, Bush 44% (Strategic Vision); Michigan - Kerry 48%, Bush 45% (American Research Group); New Mexico - Kerry 49%, Bush 42% (American Research Group); Colorado - Kerry 47%, Bush 47% (Rasmussen)."
7:37:50 AM    

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