Coyote Gulch's 2008 Presidential Election


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  Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Political Wire: "In New Hampshire, Sen. Evan Bayh (D-IN) talked 'like someone very interested in seeking the 2008 Democratic presidential nomination,' touting his 'attributes as a moderate Democrat from a Midwestern state that went big red for Bush in 2004,' the Nashua Telegraph reports."

Opinions You Should Have: "In a press conference yesterday, White House spokesperson Scott McClellan refused to confirm that the President knew a 'Karl Rove' or that he had ever come across anyone by that name."

Political Wire: "Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney (R), 'seeking to cement ties with conservatives in the Republican Party,' attended a fundraiser yesterday for 'a group of right-leaning GOP representatives who recently established a political action committee to bolster their ranks in the US House,' the Boston Globe reports."

Political Wire: "Iowa, which holds the nation's first presidential caucus, stands as one of just two states -- Mississippi is the other -- to have 'never elected a woman governor or sent a woman to Congress,' according to the AP. It's a statistic that puzzles political observers -- and one that Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY), 'considered a front-runner for her party's nomination in 2008, or any woman seeking the presidency can't ignore.'"

Category: 2008 Presidential Election
6:33:27 PM    

Western Democrat: "On Saturday, Leo Brown discussed the notion of 'opportunity states' where Democrats could look to win back the presidency in 2008. He looked at a number of important factors.

"To me, it's also important to consider the role of governors. After all, four of the last five presidents were governors - and George W. Bush wouldn't be president today if it hadn't been for the tremendous success of GOP governors in key states in the middle 1990s."

Category: Denver November 2006 Election
6:13:11 PM    

Juan Cole: "But Rove's revenge on Wilson was the ultimate. Plame was undercover as an employee of a phony energy company. She was actually investigating illegal proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. When Rove blew her cover to the US press, everyone who had ever been seen with her in Africa or Asia was put in extreme danger. It is said that some of her contacts may have been killed. Imagine the setback to the US struggle against weapons of mass destruction proliferation that this represents. Rove marched us off to Iraq, where there weren't any. But he disrupted a major effort by the CIA to fight WMD that really did exist."

Seattle Post-Intelligencer: "The president would bring credit to himself and his administration by firing Rove immediately. Whether or not Rove violated the law, his actions on behalf of the administration broke trust with the American people and with the president's own stated view of the matter. Minimally, enough is known that the president must suspend Rove and cease all contacts with Rove until the investigation is complete. Rove, it appears, cannot be trusted with the United States' secrets.

"Bush should also ask the prosecutor to seek the release of Miller from prison while the president urgently and personally renews his call for White House officials to help get to the bottom of the affair. Rove and others apparently didn't get the message nearly two years go when the president said, 'I'd like to know who leaked, and if anybody has got any information inside our government ... you ought to take it to the Justice Department.' Rather than letting an innocent journalist be imprisoned to clear up a matter of White House misconduct, Bush should be cleaning out his administration."

Category: 2008 Presidential Election
7:05:36 AM    

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