Will President Bush consider Ben Nighthorse Campbell to lead Interior? Senator Allard, Senator Salazar and others hope so, according to the Rocky Mountain News.
From the article, "Old friends are recommending former Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell as a replacement for outgoing Interior Secretary Gale Norton.
Sen. Wayne Allard, R-Colo., sent a letter to President Bush on Tuesday, asking him to consider Campbell. If selected, he would be the first American Indian to head the agency that oversees tribal issues and vast tracts of federal lands.
"Campbell also gained support from the man who replaced him in the Senate, Democrat Ken Salazar, and from Sen. Ted Stevens, the Alaska Republican who wields considerable clout on natural resources issues on Capitol Hill. Stevens told The Hill newspaper that Campbell in the Cabinet 'would be a damned good idea.'
"Salazar said of Campbell: 'I've known Ben for a long time and respect him. I would support him. He has important expertise on Western water, public lands and Native American issues...'
"Allard said Campbell's background 'lends itself well to the multiple roles he would be required to play as secretary of Interior,' citing Campbell's past work chairing the Indian Affairs committee and his focus on land, water and energy issues - areas that the Interior Department oversees.
"In an interview, Allard also said that as an Indian, Campbell would be in a unique position to help resolve a long-running class- action lawsuit over the department's alleged mismanagement of Indian trust account funds, which are to compensate Indians for the use of their lands for energy development and grazing, among other things.
"Allard said he was among 'some rather important senators' who have urged the White House to consider Campbell for the job. Though Campbell was a Democrat-turned- Republican and earned a reputation as a maverick while in Congress, he would be a good fit for the agency, Allard said."
Category: Colorado Water
6:21:42 AM