Friday, March 17, 2006
Jim Spencer jumps into the controversy around Plan B in his column in today's Denver Post. He writes, "If the debate over Plan B emergency contraception had anything to do with science, said Susan Wood, there would be no debate...
"The American Medical Association and the Colorado Medical Society support making Plan B easily available. Pharmacists are ready to do the job, if the drug can't be sold over the counter. Still, Colorado's Plan B hearings became a forum where politics and religion posed as science."
Category: 2008 Presidential Election
6:57:10 AM
Chris Adamo: "Shortly after this year's elections, the 2008 presidential race will begin in earnest. This means that among Democrat politicians, the venom and bile being spewed against President Bush will only increase. But at some crucial point, it must be redirected from the outgoing president to any Republican 'rising star.'
"Those who believe that American politicking has already been overwhelmed by such antics should brace themselves. Much worse is yet to come. And even a cursory line-up of Democrat hopefuls suggests the likelihood of a campaign that is as permeated by duplicity as it is devoid of worthwhile ideas. As a result, the '08 elections are ultimately the Republicans' to win or lose."
Category: 2008 Presidential Election
6:44:49 AM

President Bush has nominated Idaho governor Dirk Kempthorne to lead Interior, according to New West. They write, "The AP reported Sen. Larry Craig of Idaho told reporters, 'I have known and worked with Dirk for many years. He is talented, energetic, and understands the issues that surround public lands and endangered species.'
"The Sierra Club has already released a statement saying the nomination 'raises serious concerns,' for the environment. 'President Bush nominated someone who has consistently opposed protecting public health and public lands,' Carl Pope, the Executive Director of the Sierra Club wrote in the release.
"Kempthorne, who started his career as the mayor of Boise, was elected governor of Idaho in 1998 and re-elected in 2002. Before that, he spent six years as Idaho's senator in Washington D.C."
Category: Colorado Water
6:37:54 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 10:59:59 AM.