Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Jesus' General: "I was pleased to see your testimonial to Baghdad's calm and stability on your website and have created the enclosed campaign poster for your use."
Josh Marshall: "Meta-Bamboozlement: Kaloogian defended the picture as genuine before he pooh-poohed it as fake."
Category: 2008 Presidential Election
7:35:27 PM
Rocky Mountain News: "A wide range of religious groups have been serving a critical role in recent efforts to push Congress to pass what they call humane immigration reforms. More than 200 religious organizations, including those associated with Catholics, evangelicals, Mennonites, Muslims and Jews, have conducted letter-writing campaigns to President Bush and Congress and encouraged congregation members to attend huge pro-immigrant rallies in cities across the country. One of the most visible organizations in the debate, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, has been training clergy, parishioners and church employees on the religious principles of helping refugees and immigrants. Locally, members of the Denver Archdiocese have been conducting educational presentations on immigration reform about twice a week."
Category: 2008 Presidential Election
7:33:30 AM
Here's an article about a western primary from the Helena Independent Record. They write, "Every so often westerners, tired of letting folks from Iowa or New Hampshire or South Carolina determine our presidential options, start talking about establishing an early western primary date. This year Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman has signed a law moving that state's 2008 presidential primary to the first week in February, and Utah hopes a lot of other western states will follow suit. That probably won't happen for a variety of reasons, but mostly because holding special presidential primary elections costs millions of dollars - money that's difficult to justify spending in that way. And in the end, it probably doesn't much matter. That's not to say that there aren't uniquely western issues that deserve presidential attention during the campaign. Western water issues, for instance, simply baffle easterners. Their water-rights laws don't look anything like ours. That's because, unlike the Colorado River, the Ohio or the Potomac isn't likely to dry up before it reaches its mouth."
Category: 2008 Presidential Election
7:02:11 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 11:24:02 AM.