Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Juan Cole: "Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari (a Kurd) warned Monday that 140,000 Turkish troops were massed at the border with Iraq. Ankara accuses Iraqi Kurdistan of giving safe harbor to PKK terrorists who are blowing up soldiers and others in Turkey's eastern Anatolia. The Turkish government and military have threatened to engage in hot pursuit and to make border incursions if necessary to deal with the PKK threat. Last Sunday, thousands of Turks demonstrated in Ankara against the PKK, Iraqi Kurdistan and the United States, which they blame for allowing Iraq to become a terrorist base against Turkey."
"2008 pres"
6:56:06 PM
Say hello to Catholics Against Rudy. Ouch.
Political Wire: "The latest USA Today/Gallup Poll shows Sen. Hillary Clinton leading the Democratic presidential race with 42% support, followed by Sen. Barack Obama at 26% and John Edwards at 16%. On the Republican side, Rudy Giuliani leads with 30%, trailed by Fred Thompson at 20%, Sen. John McCain at 16%, and Mitt Romney at 9%."
The Moderate Voice is running an exclusive Q&A with Mike Huckabee.
"2008 pres"
6:34:51 PM
David Wiegel (via Reason): "So an impeachment trial would 1) waste Congress's time, 2) take the Democrats' knees out, and 3) humiliate Bush and legions of wide-eyed Republicans. And... what are the arguments against it?"
Thanks to Andrew Sullivan for the link.
"2008 pres"
6:30:52 PM
365Gay.com: "For the first time the leading candidates for the presidency will hold a televised debate devoted solely to LGBT issues. The one-hour event will be held on August 9 and broadcast on gay network LOGO at 9:00 pm ET (6:00 pm ET) and through live streaming video at LOGOonline.com. Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and John Edwards have confirmed they will participate. Several other Democratic candidates also may join the debate."
Thanks to Blogs for Bush for the link.
"2008 pres"
6:26:55 PM

Disabled advocates are worried that planners for the 2008 Democratic National Convention will leave accessibility out of the final plans, according to The Denver Post. From the article:
Now, [Vivian Stovall] and other Colorado advocates for the disabled say they are once again being left in the dark as Democrats plan for next year's national convention in Denver. "We can't get anyone to talk to us. That's what's so frustrating," said Julie Reiskin, executive director of the nonprofit Colorado Cross-Disability Association. Advocates for the disabled say they have tried to reach out to convention organizers for the past six months with concerns about access to buses, taxis, hotels and the convention itself. They say they have received little response. "We kind of hear people say it's going to be taken care of," Reiskin said. "Well, not to be rude, but we've heard this in other places and other times."
The convention is more than a year away - August 2008 - and some things won't be planned until the beginning of next year, said Becky Ogle, the senior disability adviser for the Democratic National Committee. Ogle said she has already begun contacting those with disabilities in Colorado to tell them she'll be looking for input. Still, Ogle said she and other convention planners may not have been doing the best job communicating with Coloradans to explain the process. "I'm going to look into the communication factor," she said on Monday. "We need to do a better job with that." Ogle also said she understands the frustration and suspicion among some in the disabled community because of its history of being excluded from events of all kinds. At the Boston convention in 2004, Ogle said, there had been some access problems at the Fleet Center. Reiskin said that's why it's so important to begin planning now. "It's a big job, and somebody needs to get on this now," she said.
"2008 pres"
7:36:40 AM
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Last update: 3/15/09; 1:08:56 PM.