Monday, July 23, 2007

Carnivores are dancing in the woods around the Sandy River. According to this article from The Oregonian, "The end begins Tuesday for Marmot Dam. After a ceremonial first crack, workers will blast, hammer, drill and saw until the end of September to crumble the 47-foot-high concrete wall down to the bed of the Sandy River. A temporary dam, built to divert water during the demolition, will stay in place upstream until storms breach it this fall. Only then will threatened salmon and steelhead gain unobstructed access to the Sandy for the first time in 95 years."
"2008 pres"
6:25:18 PM
Here's the link for the questions for tonight's debate.
The Republican YouTube Debate will be September 17th.
"2008 pres"
6:12:37 PM
Pollster.com: "A recent Democracy Corps (D) national survey (memo, results) of 1,000 likely voters (conducted 5/29 through 5/31; released 7/23) finds:
* 49% are satisfied with the quality of health care in this country; another 49% are dissatisfied.
* 24% are satisfied with the cost of health care in this country; 74% are dissatisfied.
* 54% favor "a proposal that provided every American with health insurance, even if it meant your taxes or health care premiums would increase as a result;" 42% oppose.
"2008 pres"
6:04:48 PM
Washington Post: "Most Americans see President Bush as intransigent on Iraq and prefer that the Democratic-controlled Congress make decisions over a possible withdrawal of U.S. forces, according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. As the president and Congress move toward a possible constitutional confrontation over the war, both receive negative marks from the public for their handling of the situation in Iraq. But by a large margin, Americans trust the Democrats rather than the president to find a solution to a conflict that remains enormously unpopular."
Thanks to TalkLeft for the link.
Talking Points Memo: "A new NYT poll finds that less than one in five think surge is working."
"2008 pres"
5:44:34 PM
Dick Durbin (via Open Left): "Today I'm writing to invite you to participate in an experiment -- an interactive approach to drafting legislation on one of the most significant public policy questions today: What should be America's national broadband strategy? Starting this Tuesday, July 24 at 7pm EST on OpenLeft.com, I will be engaging in a series of four nightly broadband policy discussions with the online community. During those four nights, I am looking for the best and brightest ideas on what Congress should do to promote and foster broadband."
"2008 pres"
7:36:07 AM
Talking Points Memo: "On 'Meet the Press' [Sunday], Tim Russert asked Director of National Intelligence Mike McConnell about why the latest National Intelligence Estimate is so discouraging. A year ago, the NIE said al Qaeda's leadership had been 'seriously damaged'; the global jihadist movement "lacks a coherent global strategy"; and the terrorist threat is 'becoming more diffuse.' In contrast, this week, the NIE reported that al Qaeda has 'regenerated'; its 'top leadership' and 'operational lieutenants' are intact; and the terrorist network's recruiting and fundraising are stronger, not weaker."
"2008 pres"
7:33:39 AM
Captain's Quarters: "Despite Pervez Musharraf's attempt to put the genie back in the bottle, the Waziristan region continues to erupt with Islamist violence. Taliban and al-Qaeda terrorists set off bombs and started firefights that wound up costing them at least 19 fighters today."
"2008 pres"
7:29:51 AM
From today's Denver Post, "This is supposed to be the presidential election that puts the Rocky Mountain West on the political map. So far, though, the hype has been more talk than walk. Lacking the deep pockets found in California and on the East Coast, the national prominence of the two big primary states, Iowa and New Hampshire, and the electoral heft of Florida, the Interior West has not exactly been a revolving door for candidates in the past few months."
"2008 pres"
7:20:24 AM
Don't forget the YouTube debate tonight. From The New York Times, "The first of a new kind of presidential debate is scheduled for tonight, one in which members of the general public pose questions to the candidates via homemade video. The debate is the latest front in the candidates' running battle to keep up with the fast-paced changes wrought by the Internet on politics...
"People have sent in more than 2,000 online videos to YouTube.com, where they are posted. CNN, which is broadcasting the debate in English and in Spanish on CNN En Español, will determine which two or three dozen videos it shows during the two-hour forum, which starts at 7 p.m. Eastern time. The candidates, who will assemble in Charleston, S.C., will be able to watch the videos on a giant screen or on monitors at their lecterns."
Thanks to Political Wire for the link.
"2008 pres"
6:42:52 AM
© Copyright 2009 John Orr.
Last update: 3/15/09; 1:12:20 PM.