Talking Points Memo is running a highlight reel from last night's YouTube debate.
Captain's Quarters: "The problem with last night's debate didn't have so much to do with the venue or the format, or even the use of questions through YouTube -- but with the quality of those questions. As I wrote earlier, the questions selected had little substance, which allowed the candidates to use tired campaign talking points instead of talking about real issues."
The Moderate Voice: "Not only did the 'new media' You Tube participate in last night's Democratic presidential hopefuls' debate, but some pundits said the questions from You Tubers were for the most part knowledgeable and to the point. Would some media types who may have felt debates were a plum for star journalists start feeling as seemingly resentful as some journalists do about anyone-can-publish weblogs these days? By some accounts, many of the You Tube questions were blunt and solid ones.
"Of course, then there were the talking snowmen."
Please read the whole thing. They have a nice roundup of reaction to last night's debate.
Andrew Sullivan: "I was afraid it would be lame."
"2008 pres"
6:32:54 PM