Here's an update on Arkansas River Basin Roundtable activities, from the Pueblo Chieftain. They write, "Funding for five water activities will be considered this week by the Arkansas Basin Roundtable, as the group's role shifts from a cooperative committee to a catalyst for change. 'If there's a monetary incentive, it serves as a way to help people work together,[per thou] said Alan Hamel, roundtable chairman. 'A real plus is that we've added value to the process. We've also added considerably to the amount of work we have to do.' Hamel, like many others, did not realize the potential of roundtables to help fund water projects when the state Legislature formed nine groups in 2005 to discuss water issues. Those roundtables feed into the statewide Interbasin Compact Committee, which will attempt to resolve issues among the basins...
"The first step will come Wednesday, when the roundtable meets at Otero Junior College in La Junta to consider five funding requests totaling nearly $470,000: The Southeastern Colorado Water Conservancy District is asking for $200,000 for funds to match a federal grant to continue work on the Arkansas Valley Conduit; The Southeastern district is requesting $50,000 toward developing a strategic plan to deal with tamarisk, Russian olive and Siberian elm invasions in the Arkansas River basin; The Lower Arkansas Valley Water Conservancy District is asking for almost $100,000 to help fund a study aimed at forming a water leasing management authority; The Lower Ark district, in cooperation with the Arkansas Valley Research Center at Rocky Ford, wants $50,000 in funding for a lysimeter station; The El Paso County Water Authority wants $70,000 toward an aquifer recharge and storage evaluation of the Upper Black Squirrel Creek Basin."
Category: Colorado Water
7:43:21 AM