Monday, January 22, 2007

From email from U.S. Senator Wayne Allard: "On the first day of session in the 110th Congress, I introduced what the first phase of my 'Legislative Agenda for Colorado and the Nation,' which included 16 pieces of legislative proposals that I believe will benefit Colorado and the country. This is just the first phase of my legislative agenda, but I think it's important to hit the ground running and get these bills under consideration by the U.S. Senate. I look forward to working with my colleagues on getting these bills through the legislative process and being able to show Coloradans that we in Washington are engaged on their behalf. As the 110th Congress progresses, I will continue to work in a bipartisan manner on issues important to Colorado and the country...
[The bills include] "The Arkansas Valley Conduit bill will ensure the construction of a pipeline that will provide the small, financially-strapped towns and water agencies along the lower Arkansas River with safe, clean and affordable water."
[and] "A bill to extend the Cache la Poudre Heritage Area in northern Colorado, which will give local citizens greater management authority over the area."
Category: Colorado Water
2:59:12 PM

The City of Boulder is watching closely as the Central Colorado Water Conservancy District hopes to show the Division One Water Court that they have secured enough augmentation water to allow their members to irrigate this summer, according to the Colorado Daily News. From the article, "Boulder got some water-related press that city officials weren't happy with during the early summer of 2006, when it was reported that certain farmers in northeastern Colorado were in danger of losing crops and money due to lack of water. The State of Colorado Division One Water Court ordered a shutdown of about 440 wells used by members of the Well Augmentation Subdistrict (WAS) of the Central Colorado Water Conservancy District (CCWCD) in May 2006. The court has jurisdiction over the South Platte River basin, and the coming court case will determine if the Central WAS has prepared an adequate water augmentation plan. In augmentation plans, well users are required to demonstrate that they can adequately replace water that they pump - water that might otherwise flow to downstream users. Boulder has water rights senior to the Central WAS users but junior to certain other South Platte users, and the city currently objects to its having been required to release water to make up for Central WAS use and satisfy senior rights - and that it might need to do so again in coming years."
Category: Colorado Water
6:24:08 AM

Four Mile Creek over in the Roaring Fork basin is the subject of this article from the Grand Junction Daily Sentinel. They write, "Four Mile Creek flows down from a remote, high-elevation area past Sunlight Ski Resort and homes scattered along its banks before it empties into the Roaring Fork River, south of Glenwood Springs. Along the way, residents enjoy the quiet gurgling water and the wildlife it attracts. Some are concerned that could change, so they're trying to protect it. A study released late last year by the Roaring Fork Conservancy identified Four Mile Creek as one of several in the valley likely to see increased pollution. Chad Rudow of the conservancy said water samples from Four Mile Creek showed high levels of dissolved oxygen, selenium, manganese and aluminum. The high levels likely come from agricultural and development activities, along with the area's natural geology, he said. As a result, the conservancy included Four Mile Creek on its list of impacted waterways it wants to observe closely.
"Concerned residents started taking water samples last month. Similar 'stream teams' are, or will be, set up for Brush and Cattle Creeks, also on the impacted list, Rudow said. Lynette O'Kane and her husband, Jock Jacober, have lived next to Four Mile Creek for six years. They formed a small group of residents called the Friends of Four Mile several years ago to monitor growth-related issues in the scenic corridor. 'We wanted to make sure we kept Four Mile healthy,' she said. Four Mile Creek's headwaters are in Four Mile Park, on the White River National Forest. Most of its water comes from underground springs, along with spring and summer runoff."
Category: Colorado Water
6:12:41 AM
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John Orr.
Last update:
2/1/07; 7:28:59 AM.