Colorado Water
Dazed and confused coverage of water issues in Colorado

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Tuesday, January 9, 2007

San Jose Mercury News: "Democrats recaptured a big part of the Hispanic vote in the November midterm election, support that Latino activists caution won't necessarily be there in the next contest. Nearly seven in 10 Hispanic voters supported Democrats in the congressional elections, according to exit polls. But that's not the whole story. Republican candidates in several key states did well among Hispanics, suggesting that Latinos could be important swing voters in the 2008 presidential election."

Category: 2008 Presidential Election

5:35:35 PM    

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The North Denver News has the lowdown on today's inauguration. Here's the transcript of Governor Ritter's inauguration address from the Cherry Creek News. Mt. Virtus writes, "Kudos to our new governor Bill Ritter. I wish him good health and personal happiness, though not so much political success."

Colorado Confidential: "It's official. Mike Coffman is Colorado's new Secretary of State. And just to make sure, he took his oath twice."

Category: Denver November 2006 Election

5:07:58 PM    

A picture named cutthroat.jpg is reporting that Trout Unlimited is hoping to push the Colorado Water Control Commission to start enforcing measures on the books relating to stream temperatures. From the article, "An advocacy group is planning to push the Colorado Water Quality Control Commission Monday to start enforcing measures to monitor and control the temperatures of the state's streams. Colorado Trout Unlimited director Dave Nickum says that state already has some rules on the books, but fears major water users such as Denver Water will try to delay enforcement. Water temperature is considered important to maintaining a healthy supply of trout and other fish. But several factors, including water diversion for residential or industrial use, can reduce the amount of cool water flowing into streams at lower elevations."

Category: Colorado Water

6:09:42 AM    

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Water rates are going up in Severance, according to the Windsor Tribune. From the article, "As one of the fastest growing communities in the area, Severance finds itself trying to play catch-up with its services. Water and sewer rates are the most recent example. Although rates have gone up, it has not been enough to keep up with what the town pays the North Weld Water Conservancy District, which is expected to be $342,500 in 2007. A recent raise in those rates should help bring in an extra $28,332 to the town this year. Until Dec. 6, residential water rates were $23.50 for the first 5,000 gallons of water, $2.45 for the next 10,000 gallons and $2.70 for every 1,000 gallons after that. Sewer was $21. As of January, the rates are now $24.50, $2.55, $2.80, respectively. Sewer rates increased to $23 a month."

Category: Colorado Water

6:02:10 AM    

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Denver and Xcel have signed a 25 year agreement effecting the water right for the Shoshone Power Plant in Glenwood Canyon, according to the Glenwood Springs Post Independent (free registration required). From the article, "A controversial agreement between Xcel Energy and the Denver Water Board will affect a historic water right held by the Shoshone hydroelectric plant in Glenwood Canyon. The 25-year agreement, which went into effect Jan. 1, allows Denver to dictate a reduction in the plant's water right on the Colorado River during certain times of the year...

"The plant has one of the oldest water rights on the Colorado River, dating to 1905, for 1,250 cubic feet per second. When diversions upstream of the plant reduce the flow of the Colorado to less than what the hydroelectric plant is entitled to, it can issue a 'call' or demand for that water. Holders of younger or junior rights upstream of Shoshone are then required to reduce their diversions or to make releases from reservoirs to offset those diversions. The 2006 agreement replaces a previous agreement between Denver and Xcel, which was inked in 1987. The agreement was reached during separate negotiations for an Xcel franchise with the city to use city streets to provide electric service to its customers. Denver leveraged the desired franchise to gain the Shoshone water right relaxation...

"The new agreement, which was negotiated without public input, nevertheless had important input from the Glenwood Springs-based Colorado River Water Conservation District, an organization that 'protects and develops Colorado River water,' said district spokesman Chris Treese. Treese spoke to the Garfield County commissioners Monday about water issues affecting the county. 'We were not part of the negotiation between the city and county of Denver and Xcel,' he said. But the district met with Xcel executives last year during those negotiations to present the West Slope perspective on the agreement. 'We got what we thought was a very fair set of protections, which we feel resolve 90-95 percent of the issues,' Treese said. Among the issues Treese said Denver agreed to were limiting the relaxation from mid-march to late May so it would not impact the busy Glenwood Canyon rafting season that starts up in the spring. The reduction can take place only when snow meltoff is forecast to be less than 85 percent of normal in a given year. Further, Denver cannot relax the Shoshone call if it would trigger the downstream Cameo call, a collection of senior water rights held by various irrigation groups in the Grand Valley...

"Commissioner John Martin said the curtailment of the historic Shoshone call without public participation only points to the need for the county to be involved in state water initiatives. 'We're being bled to death here,' he said, referring to the water diversions to the Front Range. 'I'm worried. We've had very little input. Our voice has just been silenced.'"

Category: Colorado Water

5:48:10 AM    

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