Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Here's a short article about the Storm Peak Laboratory, from CNN. From the article, "Up the mountain from the Steamboat Springs Ski Resort, atmospheric scientists have studied everything from snow crystals and pollution to the impact of ultraviolet radiation on vegetation. Scientists at the Storm Peak Laboratory have conducted research here since 1981. Currently, climate change tops their priorities. The findings made at Storm Peak could be important to how the ski industry adjusts to warming temperatures. 'With a warmer climate, you will have a shorter ski season,' said lab director Dr. Gannet Hallar. 'You'll have an earlier melt and a later onset of snow. This makes a lot of difference for the skiing community,'she said. But less snow has an impact far beyond vacationing skiers and snowboarders, Hallar and the other researchers stressed. 'Water is a major issue in Colorado,' said Hallar. 'Our water serves Las Vegas and Los Angeles. So less snow in Colorado influences water across the nation.' The lab has determined that an increase in sulfate pollution from power plants reduces snowfall by about 15 percent. 'Unfortunately, the models seem to be in agreement that the amount of snow is going to go down,' said University of Colorado climatologist Dr. Jim White. 'Some models as much as 50 percent by the year 2050 or so,' he said."
Category: Colorado Water
6:31:44 AM

The "no-action" alternative to the Southern Delivery System will add time to the drafting of the EIS, according to the Pueblo Chieftain. From the article, "A federal review of Colorado Springs changes in its Southern Delivery System probably won't be completed until later this year at the earliest, and will mean new opportunity for public comment. However, it won't reopen SDS to the full-scale public events seen in 2003, during scoping for the project; or in late 2005, when public meetings in five communities examined proposed alternatives. It will delay the draft environmental impact statement required under the National Environmental Protection Act. A public comment period would follow release of the draft EIS. 'This is evidence that the NEPA process is working,' Kara Lamb, spokeswoman for the Bureau of Reclamation, said Monday. She said the process has identified changes in the project while generating hundreds of public comments...
"The bureau is in the beginning stages of meeting with Colorado Springs Utilities over a change in a 'no-action' alternative to SDS submitted last week. Colorado Springs pulled its former no-action plan, pumping 300-500 more wells in the Denver Basin aquifer, because it would not provide sufficient fresh water to meet the city's needs in the next 40 years. Instead, Colorado Springs is suggesting it would build a river intake pipeline from the Arkansas River in Fremont County if its plan to pump directly from Pueblo Dam is turned down."
Category: Colorado Water
6:18:37 AM
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John Orr.
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2/1/07; 7:29:59 AM.