Denver November 2006 Election
Dazed and confused coverage of the Denver November 2006 Election


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  Thursday, April 20, 2006

Wash Park Prophet: "Denver's election system will transition from the precinct system to the vote center system, where any voter in the City and County of Denver may vote at any of 47 vote centers rather than only at their local precinct, for the August primary in 2006. It hadn't been clear, until today, whether or not this would be implimented in the primary, or only in the general election. The move is a good one, as it allows the kinks to be worked out of the system when the stakes are lower and there are fewer voters involved."

Category: Denver November 2006 Election

6:09:59 PM    comment []

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Last update: 5/2/06; 6:52:19 AM.

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