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Sunday, August 1, 2004

Blue moon:

The terminator has had about an hour to creep over the eastern limb of the moon, revealing the features along the edge in detail. Check out the illuminated peaks of the huge crater Neper, while the basin remains in shadow. And look at how well defined the cliffs along the wall of the circular Mare Smythii are. (Is that sea named after the chicken hearted stowaway in the 60's TV show Lost in Space?) Some other features visible under this glancing light are the Sea of Fertility and some large craters.

For more about the Blue Moon go see the Space Tramp's weblog.

Car under the blue moon:


After shooting the blue moon, I took some snaps from my (now totally familiar to y'all) front porch. I accidentally turned the flash on and look:

I have no idea what those dots are - it wasn't raining, nor was there any visible dust in the air. And I don't believe in orbs, or any other supernatural explanation. I'd just like to know what these dots are.

Richard Tallent points to the Belief-o-Matic, 20 questions that will determine the correct religous slot for one to fit into. Ok, I took the test and here are my results:

1. Unitarian Universalism (100%)
2. Mahayana Buddhism (93%)
3. Theravada Buddhism (90%)

Damn! I knew that 28 inch pony tail would peg me, but listen, I've been in a Unitarian church once in my life. There was a large picture of an angel who had his crotch bitten out by some sort of raptor. I never went back.

© Copyright 2004 by Chris Heilman.