Updated: 9/1/2002; 7:00:01 PM.
Thursday, April 04, 2002 |
Dave: [via James Snell] "...as it's just as sure that success requires a good idea and persistence." Agreed.
Question: why do Dave's permalinks today have the wrong date in them? Update: Dave e-mails me with a one word response: Fixed.
11:40:03 AM
Simon Fell: Web services group leaves Sun in cold [ZDNet] More whining from Sun. Yes, people are deploying Web Services on Java, but not with Sun's tools, everyone I know of doing Java Web Services is using Apache SOAP or GLUE. Perhaps I'd take them more seriously if they'd attended the WSDL F2F (They were invited), or were involved on SOAPBuilders, but of course its always easier to whine than to do. My perception is that they are doing. In any case, my intent is to see to it that anybody working on a a SOAP implementation will be enthusiastically welcomed should they decide to participate in the next interop event - independent of the amount of their past participation.
10:39:09 AM
Simon Fell: I've only glanced through the spec/wsdl's but they don't seem to be pushing the envelope over what we did last time, is this going to move the interop situation forward ? Tony wants to push the interop situation forward by inclusion - in other words by expanding the number of participants. While this makes emminent sense to me, if this doesn't work and the non-participants keep sitting on the sideline, then we will need to adjust the plan along the lines you suggest.
Note: don't be fooled by the hypertext links to the wsdls. I've informed Tony Hong, meanwhile, the text in the document contains the actual URLs. In any case, this represents a number of improvement's over Tony's starting point.
10:28:12 AM