Goron Weakliem: I'm trying to take Sam's advice on this one, but at this point in my life, I don't have much choice. Maybe that's the root of the problem, the knowlege that I've got only one choice.
You always have a choice. Here's a book that changed my life. (I bought it 25 years ago, first printing, but I digress). Key message: nobody makes you do anything. You may make yourself do something in order to please someone else, but that is always a choice you make. The difference is subtle but important.
In order to change an organization from within, you've got to lead. This is a role I'm not used to playing and I don't think I'm particularly good at. But it's the role that I've been increasingly asked to play, and as far as I can tell, it's the logical progression that a programmer makes as one's career progresses.
You are given opportunities to lead every day. The thing to do is to apply the priniciples of triage. In other words, don't try to lead in areas which will either address themselves or are beyond hope. Here's another rendition.
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