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Thursday, January 22, 2004

Utility Computing

C|net, 1/21/04:  HP signs customer for Adaptive strategy

By Matt Hines

Hewlett-Packard on Wednesday said it has signed a deal with Getty Images, a film and picture archive, to use HP's Adaptive Enterprise computing strategy.

Getty is one of the first customers to publicly endorse Adaptive Enterprise, which HP executives say will allow customers to respond more quickly to changes in their operations by linking business processes more tightly with information technology products. The company is aiming to simplify management of its vast archive of images and film clips through the use of HP's products.


IT Management

C|net, 1/22/04:  Inverting the IT pyramid

By Jeffrey M. Kaplan

In case you haven't noticed, information technology services are hot.

In fact, the IT services sector has become one of the fastest-growing segments of the IT industry. Whether it is IT outsourcing, business process outsourcing, managed services or utility computing services, any IT service that helps enterprises increase productivity and reduce costs is in demand.

The IT industry has been turned upside down, or inverted, as former technology leaders transform themselves into services leaders, and other companies seek to follow their lead.


Future Focused

Fortune, 1/12/04:  Why 'Bottom Up' Is On Its Way Up

This new style of business, birthed by the Internet, is ignored at any company's peril.

What do these things have in common: the TV show American Idol, Howard Dean's presidential campaign, eBay, and the open-source Linux operating system? They're all manifestations of a key trend of our time: the shift in power away from centralized institutions and toward the individual—from the center to the edge.

We're entering what might be called the Bottom-Up Economy. As the Internet's influence grows, we're seeing its intrinsic egalitarianism and tendency to empower the small start to change many aspects of modern life. Customers today have more options and less loyalty. They will migrate to businesses that see them as participants in a process rather than as just consumers.


8:44:58 AM    

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