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Friday, January 23, 2004


ZDNet, 1/22/04:  Study: Billion-dollar outsourcing on the rise

By Munir Kotadia

The number of outsourcing deals worth more than $1 billion more than doubled last year, driven by an increase in government spending, according to Datamonitor.

The market analysis firm said on Wednesday that its IT Services Contract Tracker--which monitors all new outsourcing, systems integration and consulting deals worth more than $1 million--found that the number of deals with a value greater than $100 million increased by 49 percent to 244, and deals worth more than $1 billion more than doubled to 29.


The Register, 1/23/04:  Outsourcing Back-up

I recently visited an outsourcing company in the Boston area that provides a back-up and disaster recovery service, writes Bloor Research analyst Robin Bloor. The company was Live Vault, although you're unlikely to hear the name directly as they sell through the channel. There were two interesting points that the company had to offer, beyond the fact that it offers a quick to install service.



The White House, 1/22/04:  Remarks by the President to the Press Pool:  “I’m hungry and I need some ribs…”

Nothin' Fancy Cafe

Roswell, New Mexico

THE PRESIDENT: I need some ribs.

Q Mr. President, how are you?

THE PRESIDENT: I'm hungry and I'm going to order some ribs.

Q What would you like?


8:30:38 AM    

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