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Wednesday, April 07, 2004


Business Week, 4/1/04:  Outsourcing's Russian Front

High skills and low turnover could make Russia a programming player

Alexei Nikolaevsky has had his share of difficulties. In the 1990s, the 41-year-old Muscovite wrote programs for Russian banks -- until the 1998 banking crisis forced major clients out of business. Then he emigrated to the U.S. and worked for two years at a small info-tech company in Texas -- until the dot-com bubble spooked him. Now, along with many Russian IT specialists who moved to Silicon Valley, Nikolaevsky is back home working for one of Russia's fast-growing offshore programmers. "I feel optimistic about the industry," he says. "The business is doing well."


IT Management

eWeek, 4/6/05:  Sarb-Ox Offerings on the Rise

By Dennis Callaghan

With the first Sarbanes-Oxley Act compliance deadlines just seven months away, Microsoft Corp. and Oracle Corp. have introduced software to automate publicly held companies' compliance processes.

Microsoft's Office Solution Accelerator for Sarbanes-Oxley, rolled out last week, provides best-practice guidelines and templates for documenting processes using Microsoft's Windows SharePoint Services and Office InfoPath 2003 products.



C|net, 4/7/04:  Ballmer the undaunted

By Ina Fried

In describing his attitude these days, Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer is "super optimistic."

Microsoft would appear to have a long list of serious concerns: the recent antitrust setback in Europe, including a proposed $613 million fine; ongoing security issues with the Microsoft's software; a stagnant stock price; the steady encroachment from Linux; and a murky release date for the next version of Windows.


8:40:47 AM    

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