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Monday, April 26, 2004

Self-Serve Automation

Fast Company, May 2004:  The Toll of a New Machine

It started with ATMs. Then gas stations. Now self-service kiosks are taking over airports and invading McDonald's restaurants. Is this the face of the jobless recovery? Or will automation make service better for workers and customers alike?

It's unlikely that such machines will mean the end of ticket agents and rental-car clerks. Instead, those jobs will change--and there may eventually be more of them.



VUNet, 4/26/04:  Microsoft warns of SSL attacks

By Iain Thomson

Hackers preparing to exploit Secure Socket Layer vulnerabilities in Windows

Microsoft is urging customers to immediately install a recent software patch for Secure Socket Layer vulnerabilities in Windows because hackers are preparing to exploit the flaws.


VUNet, 4/26/04:  'Burnt out' IT staff losing virus battle

By Robert Jaques

Failure to centralise antivirus software management exhausts IT workers

Companies that have yet to centralise the management of their antivirus software are exhausting their IT staff.

While the majority of firms have taken users out of the loop of updating antivirus software, those that have not are unable to cope due to the sheer volume of viruses, according to application switching vendor Radware.

"Users can't be trusted to do it themselves," said Tony Crowley, Radware's regional director for northern Europe.


The New York Times, 4/25/04:  Pssst, Computer Users . . . Want Some Candy?


COMPUTER security experts tend not to be easily shocked by people's foolhardy, frequently cavalier attitudes toward online security. But even within this generally hardened breed, some expressed surprise over the results of a recent survey in Britain that underscored the profound vulnerability of the world's computer networks.

A man posted outside a London subway station at rush hour offered a chocolate bar to random passers-by if they would reveal the password they used to log on to the Internet. Amazingly, more than 7 out of 10 took the offer.



PC Magazine, 4/22/04:  GoodLink 3.0

By Richard V. Dragan

Pros:  Innovative cradle-less synchronization of Exchange data; nicely improved administration abilities; more deployment and carrier options

Cons: Occasional hiccups while hot-synching

Bottom Line:  Good's open-minded approach to synching up mobile users deserves a serious look from any organization that runs Exchange and wants to bring connectivity to its workforce.



Microsoft Watch, 4/23/04:  False Alarm: No MSN Messenger 6.2 Until Monday

By Mary Jo Foley 

An update to our story from yesterday on MSN adding four paid online games to its stable of subscription-based offerings: Looks like a last-minute glitch has resulted in Microsoft postponing the availability of its MSN Messenger 6.2 update.


8:58:25 AM    

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