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Friday, April 23, 2004


Selling, 2/04:  Passionately Pursue Prospect Information:  Karen Hayward:  Sell!ng All-Star

Like other Xerox sales people in the early 1980s, Karen Hayward was vested with selling the company's first personal computer.

What's left untold from the larger story is the role Hayward played in launching the product in her native Montreal. "We ended up selling more in Montreal than the rest of the country combined," Hayward recalls.

She outsold her fellow Canadian salespeople because she's always stuck to a basic rule: "Follow the voice of the customer."



Darwin, 4/04: Are You Practicing Safe Outsourcing?

Some best practices and a cautionary case study.


ONE POLITICAL HOT potato in this election year is the outsourcing of tech jobs to other countries. Last month's column featured our case "When Contracts Are Not Dependable." As the case illustrated, outsourcing without properly assessing a vendor's privacy and data controls can create a real headache for the chief privacy officers (CPO) and CIOs responsible for safeguarding personal and sensitive information located in distant places.


Help Desk

Gartner, 4/20/04:  Use of E-Support Reaches Par in IT Organizations

A recent comprehensive study reveals end-user customers' usage habits, wants, needs and perceptions for e-support and support automation solutions. Gartner Dataquest refers to e-support and support automation technology as "e-support solutions." The North American IT support solution users surveyed have used or deployed e-support solutions in support of their organizations' hardware and software systems. Gartner Dataquest polled these users on a variety of issues, including the general use of e-support solutions, purchase patterns, spending and investment habits, perceptions about support solution software providers, and importance and performance ratings for e-support solutions.



Gartner, 4/21/04: Management Update: Control Costs and Boost ROI for Wireless Networks

Good management practices can control costs and increase return on investment (ROI). Gartner describes the methods and best practices that enterprises should follow. Good management practices can control costs and increase return on investment (ROI) for wireless networks. Gartner describes the methods and best practices that enterprises should follow.



The Economic Times of India, 4/21/04: IT pros: salaries are great but the sex life stinks


“Honey, not tonight! Got a headache.”

If you thought that this was strictly a Western phenomenon happening to can’t-get-enough-of-sex Americans, think again. In the original land of the Kama Sutra, there seems to be a dearth of sex.

Suffering are the skilled Indian tech professionals, who seem to be lagging behind their Mississippi brethren in basic matters.

Termed as the “DINS” (Dual Income, No Sex) syndrome, more and more Indian tech couples are busy expending their energy behind boardroom meetings, while giving a slip to bedroom mating. Engrossed in product development, chalking out office strategy and detecting spam and viruses, the Indian techie seems to have forgotten how to let his/her hair down and have a rocking time in bed.


8:28:28 AM    

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