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Tuesday, April 27, 2004

IT Management

Computerworld, 4/26/04:  Microsoft's Delay Is Your Gain  

Opinion by Michael Gartenberg

At the beginning of this month, the press reported that Microsoft had set an internal deadline to ship the next version of its Windows client, code-named Longhorn, by mid-2006 (see story). That's later than the company had once indicated. But assuming that Microsoft is able to meet that deadline, IT departments have an unprecedented opportunity to get their houses in order. They can focus on the issues that matter most to users, such as stability, reliability and security, and prepare properly for the next wave of upgrades down the road. Here are three important things to tackle:


Desktop Management, 4/26/04:  IBM's SMB Services Light on Linux

By Sean Michael Kerner

IBM has rolled out a new on-demand initiative geared at providing desktop level support to small and medium sized businesses and geared for a Windows environment.

The pitch is thus: IBM puts a server with desktop management tools at your location and then remotely manages virus detection and protection, operating system and application updates and patches, plus nightly backups of employees' hard disk images. Prices on a per-user basis start at $40.

There's just one catch. The customers have to be running an "XP" compliant desktop in a Windows environment; so far, the new service doesn't support Linux desktops.



Infoworld, 4/26/04:  Microsoft makes business intelligence buy

ActiveViews' query and reporting system to be added to SQL Server Reporting Services

By Joris Evers

Microsoft on Monday said it acquired privately-held ActiveViews to improve its business intelligence offerings.

ActiveViews, a small Provo, Utah, company, developed a query and reporting system that Microsoft plans to add to its SQL Server Reporting Services. The technology allows end-users to get access to business data stored in databases and create and modify reports, a feature much requested by users, a Microsoft spokeswoman said.


Microsoft Watch, 4/27/04:  Microsoft Adds More Vertical Infrastructure to Its SMB Product Family

By Mary Jo Foley 

The Redmond company has acquired public-sector accounting software that it plans to integrate into its 'industry enabling layer' of technologies.

Microsoft announced Tuesday morning that it has purchased accounting products from reseller partner Encore Business Solutions and is adding them to its Microsoft Business Solutions (MBS) stable.

The MBS acquisition was Microsoft's second in as many days. On Monday, the company announced it had acquired business-intelligence vendor ActiveViews, which sells a reporting tool that will complement SQL Server.



C|net, 4/26/04:  HP unsheathes its blade PC

By John G. Spooner

Hewlett-Packard wants to make it easier for a company to control its desktop computers.

The company on Monday said it's begun shipping its HP Blade PC bc1000, a primary component of its Consolidated Client Infrastructure package, which allows companies to centralize the administration of their desktop computers. HP says this approach reduces support costs, boosts productivity and helps protect data.

The new blade PCs can be used, in conjunction with the company's thin clients, to replace the networked desktop PCs that most companies now issue their employees, HP says.



ITAA Special Report, March 2004:  The Comprehensive Impact of Offshore IT Software and Services Outsourcing on the U.S. Economy and the IT Industry

The current rapid increase in offshore IT software and services outsourcing has sparked a debate on the costs and benefits of this trend to the U.S. economy. To help understand the comprehensive economic impact of offshore IT software and services outsourcing, Global Insight has undertaken a thorough analysis on behalf of the Information Technology Association of America (ITAA). The analysis was undertaken in the context of Global Insight’s economic models and incorporates information from third party research reports, members of the IT industry, and primary research surveys.

In the software and services area, the economy is expected to create 516,000 jobs over the next five years in an environment with global sourcing but only 490,000 without it. Of these 516,000 new jobs, 272,000 are expected to go offshore, while 244,000 are expected to remain onshore. Thus, the U.S. IT workforce will continue to grow.


Why Bother

C|net, 4/26/04:  Corel launches WordPerfect update

By David Becker

Software maker Corel is set to release the new version of its WordPerfect productivity package on Tuesday. As previously reported, WordPerfect Office 12 includes a number of changes intended to enable its programs to more closely mimic Microsoft's dominant Office software.

WordPerfect Office includes the WordPerfect word processor, Quattro Pro spreadsheet program and Presentations slide show software. It's available in English, French, German, Spanish and Brazilian-Portuguese versions. It will sell for $300 for the full version, or $150 for those upgrading from a previous version of WordPerfect or a competing product.


8:23:13 AM    

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