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daily link  Friday, December 20, 2002

Studios vs. Fair Use
Hollywood targets DVD-copying upstart.  The movie industry is training its legal guns on a new target: small start-up 321 Studios, which lets people make copies of their DVDs.  [CNET]
The studios are seeking an injunction prohibiting 321 from selling or manufacturing its DVD-copying products and are asking the court to order the company to turn over to the studios "all computer disks, computer drives and other physical objects embodying all, or any part," of DVD Copy Plus and DVD-Xcopy so they can be destroyed.
They're "claiming that 321 Studios is violating the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)..." 
5:57:21 PM  comment on this post by email  permalink  source

Me angry?
Pop-ups add new twist.  Some pop-up advertisements will include a new feature that directs a person to another Web site if they simply move their cursor across the ad--no clicking necessary.  [CNET]
Discount travel retailer Orbitz, for example, is delivering millions of holiday-themed kick-through ads on The New York Times, and CondeNast sites in addition to others. The ads feature various animated games, and recipients who simply "mouse" over them are shuttled to Orbitz's home page.
It's sad that most people just don't care enough to stop visiting/supporting sites and advertisers that use overly-intrusive advertising tactics, and the tactics are getting even worse.  Web rage?  You bet!
ASAP!   A Stand Against Pop-under ads!
5:40:54 PM  comment on this post by email  permalink  source

as he should...
CNN:  Lott stepping down as majority leader 
11:36:01 AM  comment on this post by email  permalink 

makes an important point, simply...
Aaron Swartz:  movie maker mentality 
11:04:45 AM  comment on this post by email  category  permalink  source

>>  Like photos taken with a Lomo, the results one gets with a Polaroid can be unpredictably artistic...  [Coolstop Daily Pick 12/20/02 via stereot < infourm
10:57:38 AM  comment on this post by email  category  permalink  source

wise words...
Horst Prillinger:  "And I have certainly never publicly announced that I delinked someone, why I did it, and what a horrible person s/he is for deserving such a terrible punishment. After all, I left kindergarten about thirty years ago." 
10:50:57 AM  comment on this post by email  permalink  source

from the "top of the world"
The top 10 things about snowflakes  [via Sugarfused
9:49:54 AM  comment on this post by email  permalink  source

I'll call this one "Worth the Click..." ;~))
Thomas  [The CampinGuys Radio Weblog
9:26:57 AM  comment on this post by email  permalink  source

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ASAP!   A Stand Against Pop-under ads!