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"What kind of peace do I mean? What kind of peace do we seek? Not a Pax Americana enforced on the world by American weapons of war. Not the peace of the grave or the security of the slave. I am talking about genuine peace, the kind of peace that makes life on earth worth living, the kind that enables men and nations to grow and to hope and to build a better life for their children - not merely peace for Americans but peace for all men and women - not merely peace in our time but peace for all time." -- JFK
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licentious radio
Thursday, February 6, 2003
[11:54:35 PM]     
In Britain, 84% oppose the war on Iraq. In America, something like 40% believe the Bush propaganda that Iraq was behind the September 11 attacks. Repeat a lie often enough, it becomes the truth, said Rove, or somebody like that.

Things are out of control for the warmongers, though. The armies are stalling. The intelligence agencies are leaking reports that the Al Qaeda-Iraq connection is a lie. Even journalists are realizing that -- even if you accept all the Bush innuendo -- there's *still* no reason to slaughter Iraqis, and no reason to loose the dogs of war and their potential for random catastrophes. And North Korea has made a fool of Bush and Powell -- for anyone who didn't already believe Bush is a moron.

Israel leaks that the invasion is on for the first week in March, with bombing before. But they may just be hoping. "Onward Christian Soldiers" was one joke about Sharon's point of view. No doubt Junior wants to get on with it, but there is doubt whether he can pull it off. Maybe the US generals don't feel like ending their live in prison for war crimes. Maybe the US generals will see millions of people in the streets on February 15 and 16, and think better of a war that only eight men and Condi want.

Maybe we'll start seeing predictions of US and Iraqi casualties leaked. Bush may not mind killing thousands of Iraqi civilians to get the oil, but others of us will object. And anyone who believes Saddam is bad enough to deserve regime-changing will wonder why we're supposed to believe he's not bad enough to *use* these nasty weapons when Bush leads the tanks in to Baghdad.

We look at Bush's mad grab for America's last spare dollars, and think he's got a lot riding on the war. But we believe it's a House of Cards that could tumble down at any moment.

[11:15:41 AM]     
The fallout of Powell's presentation clarifies the positions. Eight American war-mongers who want to dominate Iraq's oil and the Mid-East believe they have permission to go ahead if Iraq is in "material breech", and there really isn't much question of that.

The rest of the world, meanwhile, says "material breech" may be grounds for serious consequences, but it's not a good enough reason to let Colin's boys slaughter the masses in Iraq and haul away all the oil.

The point is only underlined by satellite photos of North Korea preparing to make nuclear bombs. Most people in the Security Council are too polite to tell Colin to put some clothes on -- he's standing there naked as the Emperor himself. But the people in the Security Council chamber are a very small percentage of the world's population. The Bush gang's blatant lust for war, power, and money are getting harder and harder to cover up, even for the American Corporate Media.

It's like eight white guys plus Colin and Condi against the world. Given a little time, the world has a good chance of winning.

[10:52:00 AM]     
The best Boondocks I can recall was over Christmas:

President Bush is asking Americans today to omit "Peace on Earth, Good Will toward Men" from their Christmas prayers.

The President's Press Secretary said that the traditional holiday phrase "sends the wrong message to God and our enemies about our nation's resolve to disarm Saddam Hussein."

Said the President: "Who are we trying to fool? We all know what's about to happen. Why get God's hopes up?"

[10:48:48 AM]     
Making poetry in public, the latest revision of our Laura Bush-inspired ditty.

Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?
A day of blue sky and chirruping birds...
A pond, perhaps, with mighty oaks' leaves rustling
in a gentle breeze. And you are there.
A sky filled with screaming jets, arching
missiles, blasts of unlovely fireworks.

The earth shakes. The blasts drown these sounds:
The children cry, the mothers scream. The fathers
desperately throw themselves on top of loved ones
to no avail. A hundred picnicers
shredded in an instant by cluster bombs.

Thou art not more lovely, nor more temperate.
You are hell. Damnation. Wrought by old,
rich men on poor brown-skinned families.
America, democracy, peace, justice, God.
In the name of God? Always in the name of God,
despite the beauty of God's summers' days.

And while we're dangling poetry, here's another:

A bouquet of bombs would make a lovely gesture
don't you think? A little touch of homeland
America to brighten the skies of Baghdad.
From all of us to all of you: boom!

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Last update: 3/1/03; 10:36:45 AM.