Wednesday, October 1, 2003 |
QUOTE OF THE DAY "The hottest fires in hell are reserved for those who remain neutral in times of moral crisis." - - Edmund Burke KNOW YOUR HISTORY - OCTOBER 1st 1997 -- Kosovo: 100,000 demonstrate in Pristina, the capital (occupied by Serbia), for civil rights for the majority ethnic Albanian population. RHINO HERE: 1st of the month. It's ACTION TIME! There are 2 pressing situations which The Rhino believes can be effected by each of us taking just a few minutes to make phone calls &/or write a quick letter: 1) The shrub gang wants 87 BILLION MORE U.S. Taxpayer Dollars to continue their quagmire building in Iraq. Who will end up with those dollars? Shrub & Cheney's cronies in the military industrial complex, Halliburton, etc. What about the profits from the Iraqi people's oil? Why would they use that money when they can rip off the American public's children? It's vital that we let out Senators know loud & clear that we don't want more debt dumped on our kids & grandkids. In addition to the 70,000 TrueMajority members who faxed their Congresspeople on this issue last week, thousands more calls & letters from members of the MoveOn & Working Assets organizations also mobilized last week That flood of citizen communications hitting Congress matches the polls that show the American people oppose another $87 billion for the shrub gang quagmire. So what has the Senate Republican leadership just announced? An abrupt end to hearings over America's policy in Iraq and a speedy vote on the $87 billion to limit the people's ability to weigh in. The vote is now scheduled for Friday, October 3. CALL YOUR SENATORS!!! U.S. SENATOR PHONE NUMBERS LISTED AT: http://www.nalc.org/depart/legpol/senatorphones.html WRITE A LETTER TO THE EDITOR OF YOUR LOCAL PAPER BULLET POINTS AVAILABLE AT: http://www.truemajority.org/letter.cfm True Majority : http://www.truemajority.org MoveOn : http://www.moveon.org Working Assets: http://www.workingforchange.com/activism/index.cfm 2) The shrub gang wants a Republican Governor in California. They don't care who that person is nor what he believes in nor what he's done in his past. Anyone who saw the California Recall Election debate, if they aren't hypnotized by Hollywood Iluminati or so partisan that they're willing to forego their Republican principles, saw clearly that Arnold Schnitzel had trouble expressing any concept that took longer than 2 short sentences. The guy is a meathead who's being handled by Pete Wilson & Karl Rove. Do they care about California's budget? To answer that you must ask yourself do they care about the budget crisis of the entire U.S.? Of course not. It was their funding cuts to all the states and their cronies' energy rip-offs that put us in the shape we're in. What they really want is to control who programs the new electronic voting machines in California. That way they can steal California's electoral votes in the 2004 presidential election & thumb their nose at the largest state in the union where every significant elected office is filled by democrats & Greens. So sez The Rhino! Let's not let them do this. IF YOU DO NOT LIVE IN CALIFORNIA: Call your friends & relatives who live in California & urge them to: 1) Vote next Tuesday AGAINST the Recall of Governor Gray Davis 2) Vote for Lt. Governor Cruz Bustamonte (in case the Recall goes through) 3) Vote AGAINST proposition 54 IF YOU LIVE IN CALIFORNIA, RHINO URGES DOING ALL THE ABOVE Now, RHINO'S BOTTOM LINE consists of 3 articles, 1 about Arnold, 1 by Arianna, & 1 on the recall.
7:42:30 AM
Arnold the Barbarian's Fascistic Flicks
Gustav the goosestepper, the "Coup-vernator," and the triumph of the
by Ed Rampell, L.A. ALTERNATIVE PRESS, Sept 17th - 30th, 2003
Hitler's favorite filmmaker, 101-year-old Leni Riefenstahl, died Sept. 8, but
the philosophy of her propagandistic documentaries appears to live on in Arnold
Schwarzen-egger's movies. Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer as the Von Trapps
in 1965's "The Sound of Music" fled Austria in 1938 when derFuhrer
invaded. But not Schwarzenegger's father, who - according to Aug. 24's USA Today
- applied for Nazi party membership shortly before Germany annexed Austria. Gustav
Schwarzenegger joined the storm troopers May 1, 1939. USA Today went on to report
that in an old photo of the brownshirt, he wore "a Hitler-style mustache," and
that a recent article in Vienna's daily Der Standard called the elder Schwarzenegger "a
high-ranking Nazi." ...
MORE AT: http://www.laalternativepress.com/v02n12/polis/rampell.php
Arianna Shifts Campaign to Defeat the Recall, Arnold and Prop 54
Arianna Huffington delivered the following statement on September 30,
Over the last 48 hours it has become clear to me that the only way to stop a
Republican takeover of our state is to vote No on the recall. Because it's also
clear that I am not going to win on October 7, I am withdrawing from the race
so that I can devote all my time and energy in the remaining week to defeating
the recall -- and to defeating the Arnold Schwarzenegger-Pete Wilson forces that
are trying to use the recall to hijack our state. The number one goal of my candidacy
has always been ending the power of special interest money to determine public
policy. Which is why I filed a Clean Money/Clean Elections ballot initiative
last week to create a system of publicly funded campaigns...
MORE AT: http://www.votearianna.com/article.php?id=273
California's Populist Revival
by Norman Solomon, San Francisco Chronicle, September 28, 2003
So, you're mad as hell, and you're not going to take it anymore. The powerful
spirit of populism is now channeling through California's body politic: "Throw
the rascal out!" And Gray Davis is a fine specimen of rascality: an ice-veined
governor who catered to big donors and simmered the books in Sacramento until
they exploded with red ink. But the winds of populist anger rarely reach
gale force on their own. In politics, no one should expect a perfect storm to
occur by accident. Much more than a pressure system is needed. Lots of money
and access to media help. So do calculated ambiguities...
MORE AT: Populist Revival
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6:29:32 AM
© Copyright 2005 Gary Rhine.