Updated: 7/18/2002; 6:03:08 AM.

So many islands, so little time
Living in Indonesia and learning to Weblog via Radio (along with many other very random thoughts and stories).

daily link  Monday, June 17, 2002

Key clicks

I updated my audio drivers the other day, along with other various Microsoft Update recommended updates. Afterwards, my keyboard had key clicks, small beeps every time you hit a key. Very annoying. I've searched for a way to turn it off, but no luck. Don't suggest "Accessibility Options" I've already tried there, but I could have missed something. Never mind, I'll accept any suggestions anyone has.

9:24:58 PM  permalink   
categories: Expat Tech

Safe communication

Really, it’s bloody simple. If you want people to talk, giving them the technology to do so is necessary but not sufficient. You also have to ensure that talking is a safe activity for them. That means controlling it as little as possible. That means tolerating -- dare I say, heeding and understanding? -- well-expressed dissent. That means accepting that sometimes we all say the wrong thing to the wrong people at the wrong time. That means a firm injunction against messenger-slaughter. The identical instant some wanker makes talking unsafe, workers will retreat back into mute Worker personae. [Caveat Lector]

Got this one from Jon. I think that creating a safe environment for communication is critical for web communities. Sure the platform (technology) is important. However, if you've got the greatest site, but people don't feel safe to open up, you've got a beautiful, empty site.

8:51:17 AM  permalink   

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Copyright 2002 © Joe Friend.
Last update: 7/18/2002; 6:03:08 AM.

Comments by: YACCS