Updated: 7/18/2002; 6:03:09 AM. |
So many islands, so little time Living in Indonesia and learning to Weblog via Radio (along with many other very random thoughts and stories).
Figuring out SMS lingoSMS is huge in Asia. If you're having trouble understanding your messages, TransL8it might be able to help. It's fun to play around with and it helps you learn to speak SMS. Thanks for the link, Jenny. Kuro5hin adI just bought an add on Kuro5hin's website. I figure it is an interesting experiment and a way to support them. I'm not a regular reader and I've never posted, but I'm all for what Rusty's trying to do. Viva la K5!
Kuro5hin is brokeIt is always sad when a web community hits the skids. In this case, it is "simply" money problems. Hopefully it won't bring K5 down. Circuit City drops VHS moviesThe non-stop march of DVD's success continues. VHS, which never caught on here in Indonesia, will be gone soon. The VCD format will hang on for a bit in Indonesia. The players are cheaper, but the cost for VCD disks vs DVD disks (copied, of course) are not that far a part and the DVD prices will be falling. Deap Throat exposed, notJust bought John Dean's new Unmasking Deep Throat ebook. It is in PDF format, which is cool, because I can print it out and read it like a real book (I can also loan it to my friends). Wish it was also in MS Reader format so I could read it on my Pocket PC. BTW, according to ZDnet, it doesn't actually unmask deep throat, just reduces the likely suspects. Remote tips"If I had any advice to give to remote employees it would be this: You know, most of us are work "remotely" in some way. In other words, people we need for our success work at a different location. Key people I work with live in other parts of Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Australia, and the good old US of A. Self interest or Self SacrificeAre your goals different than your co-workers? Do you have a limited attention span for items that are not related to your goals? If so, then the first thing to recognize when dealing with others - be it co-workers, competitors, or people you are presenting to is:
So, for starters, be as self reliant as possible. But as most of the time you need to work with people, recognize that you are generally asking them to do somehting that you are unable or unwilling to do yourself, and ack [sic] accordingly. [Sam Ruby] Good insight. I don't necessarily agree with the "be as self reliant as possible" bit, however. I think the key to success is slowly changing your own character. People become more interested in your goals, when you're interested in theirs. Maybe that is what Sam was really suggesting?