Friday, February 22, 2002 |
Article on Slate about why HDTV is still too much of a pain the butt to be commonplace, though it's getting better.
1:54:02 PM
Bank pays up for nature. A big financial services group, HSBC, is providing $50 million for global nature conservation. [BBC News: sci/tech]
Commentary: An excellent example of a corporation doing something for the right reasons.
1:47:00 PM
Speech technology for applications inches forward [IDG InfoWorld] Abstract: Competing speech recognition technologies by industry heavy hitters are vying for W3C approval. Both methods tie tags into XML to work their magic. Commentary: Ah the beloved silence of sitting at a computer and typing away is soon to be gone. Or at least the computer will be able to process the things I am calling it. That won't be good.
1:19:54 PM
BBC Puts Viewers in the Luge Seat. Interactive TV allows British viewers to click their remote and choose from concurrent live events. Or they can click again and get medal counts, schedules or highlights. Jackie Bennion reports from London. [Wired News]
Commentary: Cool use of tech by the BBC.
1:04:09 PM
Instant Diagnosis in Your Palm. Researchers develop a DNA detection system designed to instantly diagnoses disease, as well as acts of bioterrorism. And it all comes wrapped in a handheld device. By Kristen Philipkoski. [Wired News]
Commentary: First part of a tricorder, assuming that their research stands up to review.
12:14:42 PM
Sticky job revealed for DNA. Bacterial biofilms stick together using a DNA glue - the surprising discovery suggests new treatments for conditions like cystic fibrosis [New Scientist]
Abstract: DNA, not alginate is the main glue in eye infections common to contact lens wearers and in cysctic fibrosis.
Commentary: By better understanding the way this works, we can both fight these diseases, and come up with better organic based adhesives that are based off a replenishable resource. The trick will be to create source biofilms such that we need not worry about infecting anyone (or thing) with the bacteria.
11:36:33 AM
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