Ryan Greene's Radio Weblog : On Semi Hiatus Until Further Notice.
Updated: 2/14/2003; 8:08:20 AM.


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Sunday, February 24, 2002

Saw a story about the Moxi Media Center over on Tech TV. media convergence is a big thing to me. For one thing, I see it as a matter of convenience. being able to centralize all my stuff is great for a one stop shop for managing information, in this case, entertainment. On the other hand I don't like having all my eggs in one basket. I want my standards open, and I want to be able to use what I've purchased in a manner that is acceptable to me. Still, i think this is a cool product that does a lot of the things that I have been looking for. I was actually considering building a borg cube to do all this a while back, and decided that my time would be better spent elsewhere.

Standing in the way of this way cool toy, is the fact that the US HDTV standard has changed, again. The standard was first proposed in 1981. The MPAA wants to insure that users cannot easily copy content, so they are tooling with the standard in an effort to stop piracy. Which apparently also includes recording a show that you would like to watch later. They've screwed the early adopters by doing so, as the older/current equipment won't be able to read the new standards. As a result, we, the consumers and early adopters of this very slow to be released tech, are boned.

Thanks again MPAA!

comments   11:58:23 PM    

Sceptics denounce climate science 'lie'. US and UK scientists say climate studies do not prove human activities are warming the world. [BBC News: sci/tech]
Abstract: Scientists point out the flawed models and outright lies of some global warming proponents. Specifically, that greenhouse gasses are the main cause of said warming, and that the Kyoto accords were to be the first in a long series of steps to see what could be done.

categories: Science

comments   9:21:56 PM    

Quantum-Cascade Polychromatic Lasers [Slashdot]
Abstract: New wideband laser that has that ability to work at room temperatures, in wavelengths thtat can be used for optical cable communications.
Commentary: Low heat lasers are another key component of getting FOC (Fiber Optic Cable) into the mainstream. An unbelievable amount of data can be put through these systems if we can drop the cost and reduce the costs associated with switching, sending, and recieving the data.  Could LEDs be used for short "hops" of 1 km or less?

comments   12:25:18 PM    

loquacious: Dictionary.com Word of the Day. loquacious [Dictionary.com Word of the Day]

categories: Words

comments   12:10:25 PM    

Hesiod. "It is best to do things systematically, since we are only human, and disorder is our worst enemy." [Motivational Quotes of the Day]

comments   12:07:49 PM    

Mark Twain. "Fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities. Truth isn't." [Quotes of the Day]

comments   12:07:30 PM    

Picture this: Photoshop on Mac OS X. Adobe Systems' version 7.0 of Photoshop will support Mac OS X, which is seen as crucial for both Adobe and Apple. Plus: New tools for manipulating and managing photos. [CNET News.com: Personal Technology]
Commentary: It's about time. Photoshop made a ton of money off the Mac side of things for years, and they should be taking care of that market.

comments   12:07:09 PM    

So much for state of the art. Success in CRM depends more on applying its principles creatively than on armies of experts, huge databases and complex software, according to experts at McKinsey. [CNET News.com: E-Business]

Abstract: Having the most information before making a move using CRM is not always the best way to go.
Analysis: Overanalysis leads to paralysis. Get your feet wet, track you results, and using CRM will lead to a 10-60 percent sign up rate in a well designed campaign. Waiting until you ahve all you data together and wired tight will elad to you losing customers for every day that you are not rolling out a plan to retain the market share that you already have.

comments   12:04:38 PM    

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