Lawmaker: Let studios hack P2P nets. A California congressman is preparing a bill that would protect copyright owners, allowing them to use high-tech techniques to stop file traders. [Meerkat: An Open Wire Service]
These tactics include:
- interdiction, in which a copyright owner floods a file swapper with false requests so that downloads can't get through;
- redirection, in which a file swapper might be pointed to a site that doesn't actually have the files they're looking for;
- and spoofing, in which a corrupt or otherwise undesirable file masquerades as a song, movie or other file that people are seeking.
Great, so the first two screw with ALL internet traffic, and the first acts as a ping flood/DOS attack, which I'm sure the ISP's are thrilled with the thought of dealing with.
This is an insane, batshit (yes, I said BATSHIT) solution to the issue, which is not so much a problem, as a new way of doing business that Hollywood has yet to adopt. imagine if they put out lo-fi versions of their stuff, for free, and you got bonus material when you bought the CD/DVD. I've got two copies of some stuff on DVD because I'm a sucker for collectors editions. At the same time, I refuse to buy a DVD that is $20.00 if it DOESN'T have something extra on it, as I see it as a waste of my time (and hard earned cash) if I'm not getting something extra (which they likely have produced well in advance of the release) in the mix.
9:25:20 AM
House Democrats Find Theme For 2002 Elections. "Democrats, who have struggled to find a salient campaign theme amid the war on terrorism, have adopted a strategy to make the House elections a referendum on which party will put an end to corporate greed and corruption," the Washington Post reports. "Democrats are making what some observers see as [Taegan Goddard's Political Wire]
It will be interesting to see exactly which big businesses they go after, and how they relate to campaign contributions.
9:16:22 AM
Massive fraud alleged at WorldCom - Poof, the big one just lit up [Adam Curry: Adam Curry's Weblog]
The entertainment industry is next, in this series of accounting bombs that are waiting to go off. Then probably sports, then (I hope) the economy will pick back up.
5:43:38 AM
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