Tuesday, September 02, 2003
So, guess where the Ski Boy, who works in the Wells Fargo building just down the street from me and Phil, was when the power transformer blew this afternoon?
Yup - everyone's greatest fear - in the elevator during a power outage. The poor Ski Boy was all by himself in the elevator when it ground to a halt and the lights went out. Peter said that it was very dark. He was trapped for just about an hour - until the power came back on. We had several cell phone conversations. He was very brave!
9:41:36 PM
The blast fried a power transformer resulting in a very nasty power spike and outage. The phone lines were also zotzed. Once the power came back on, Phil and I exchanged several witty e-mails (Phil and I work in separate buildings within 100 feet of each other). The Denali street reconstruction has been quite the project, has caused all sorts of issues and has gone on forever...
Phil and his coworkers were very impressed by the rumble of GCI's generator kicking in. Our generator has to keep one of our switches up and running for days. So, it's a big honker and makes lots of noise. But it does it's job!
9:32:14 PM
The Denali Street reconstruction project took quite the explosive turn this afternoon. Just before 1:00 PM, the road workers broke through a gas feeder line at the intersection of Denali and Benson. The blast, evidently was impressive. The resultant flames were certainly amazing - the view from my office was quite something. It looked like an oilwell blowoff fire.
Unfortunately, the worker who ignited the fire was badly injured.
9:24:31 PM
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Last update: 3/5/2005; 8:35:47 PM.
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