"How the New York Times Fails the Net" - an email I sent to the NY Times, cc'ing several of their largest advertisers:
To the New York Times:
It is beyond comprehension - simply, without exaggeration, absurd - that you would offer a story about the remarkable work of Gregory Colbert appearing in Venice -
- a story that goes into elaborate detail about this "rare artist" including extraneous nonsense about the photographer's pony tail - yet in your cringing little manner, fail to include a link to the gorgeous site created to provide some sense of his work, as well as information about the show:
There can be only one explanation of this "oversight": Your wish to dominate the web reader's attention, to glue their eyeballs to your meretricious product. This is not intelligent publishing on the Internet, it is a morally repugnant moneygrubber's game of rat and mouse.
How stupid do you think your "loyal readers" are?
Kindly forward this to article author Alan Riding.
Truly yours,
Tom Matrullo
PS. For your information, I didn't learn about Colbert's work from your wretched product, but from someone's blog. What's it like, being history?
In fairness, note that I received a quick reply, which I have replied to. I'm going to log any relevant correspondence here.