Everything... Possible... Happens...
A certified genius and hopeless curmudgeon, the inimitable Dusty Rhodes doesn’t hesitate to speak his mind on whatever interesting tidbits he finds. Always irreverent, usually funny and occasionally enlightening views on news, trends and minutiae.


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  Thursday, July 25, 2002


Jules Renard. "Look for the ridiculous in everything, and you will find it." [Quotes of the Day]

3:11:14 PM    
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Carlos A. Urbizo. "Stoop and you'll be stepped on; stand tall and you'll be shot at." [Quotes of the Day]

3:11:00 PM    
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H. H. Williams. "Furious activity is no substitute for understanding." [Quotes of the Day]

3:10:49 PM    
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Anatole France. "The law, in its majestic equality, forbids the rich as well as the poor to sleep under bridges, to beg in the streets, and to steal bread." [Quotes of the Day]

3:10:38 PM    
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Naval Noise: Whale of a Problem. U.S. Navy sonars have turned the oceans into such a cacophony of sound that they're destroying the habitats of whales and other creatures. The Navy is being brought to court over its latest program. By Noah Shachtman. [Wired News]

This has been going on for years, but only now have the wonderful folks who brought you Tailhook been called into court to answer for their environmental idiocy. We’ll be keeping a close eye on this one.

3:10:17 PM    
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Weaning Addicts Off a Painkiller. OxyContin is all the rage among addicts seeking a high, which has left doctors reluctant to prescribe the medication to those in need. A solution may be in the works. By Kristen Philipkoski. [Wired News]

All right, all of you worthless junkies are really starting to piss me off. As regular readers know, I am something of an orthopedic failure. After more than a dozen major orthopedic surgeries over the years, I am left in a state of chronic, serious pain.


But can I get OxyContin, a medication designed for exactly my kind of pain? OF COURSE not. Why? Because my doctor is afraid to prescribe it due to gov pressure as a result of a handful of scum suckers who like to grind up the time release tablets to get a cheap high.


Did I say cheap? Hey, you stupid junkies, heroin is a LOT cheaper. So is ODing, for that matter. How about a nice, long nap?

3:08:34 PM    
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factotum: Dictionary.com Word of the Day. factotum [Dictionary.com Word of the Day]

3:02:31 PM    
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BearShare 4.0.1 Beta 12 Released [BetaNews.Com]

Oh, goody. It was getting *way* to hard to steal. Isn’t it grand that there are kind, thoughtful people working hard to make it easier for you to steal from all sorts of people?

3:01:46 PM    
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LimeWire for Windows 2.5.4 Beta Released [BetaNews.Com]

Attention all of you file traders (read thieves): Here’s another program to make your larceny easier. Steal away. After all, someone else will pay, right?

3:00:33 PM    
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In California, Blue Skies Fade for Republican. For Republicans, the race for governor is looming as a lost opportunity. By Adam Nagourney. [New York Times: National]

You know, it’s nice to see the press asking Big Biz, cigar chomping, thieving, lying GOP types about their past shady biz dealings. Where the hell were they when Idiot George was running? Only now are we beginning to hear mainstream media wondering about Shrub’s past, though the Harken story - and many others - have been around for more than a decade.


Now that the Fourth Estate has finally re-discovered its oversight role, maybe we’ll see some real action to stop lying shitheads from stealing the Presidency in the future. And if you buy that, I have some wonderful opportunities in the vertical real estate market in which I’m sure you’ll be interested.

2:59:06 PM    
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An Abortion Bill Passes, but to an Uncertain Fate. The House passed a measure to outlaw what has become known as partial birth abortion. Again. By Carl Hulse. [New York Times: National]

Why don’t these misogynist KKKristian asswipes shut the fuck up, already? Is there anyone who is NOT a KKKristian asswipe who isn’t sick to death of these flaming idiots? Which part of “Mind your own business,” are these morons too fucking stupid to comprehend?

2:53:06 PM    
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AOL Shares Tumble on S.E.C. Probe. Shares of AOL Time Warner fell more than 15 percent after the company disclosed that the S.E.C. had begun an investigation into accounting at its America Online division. By David D. Kirkpatrick. [New York Times: Technology]

Well, here we go again. This drip by drip of bad biz news is what’s killing the market. It’s the continual revelations more than the facts themselves. Look for more blood in the waters as we go through this current season of earnings reports.

2:50:53 PM    
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Net Users Try to Elude the Google Grasp. Some people are trying to reduce their electronic presence, and discovering that doing so is not as simple as it would seem. By Jennifer 8. Lee. [New York Times: Technology]

So, the NYT has *just* figured out that everything you do online leaves a trail? Wow, them thar Noo Yolk Citah folks sure does gots da boo-koo smarts, yesiree, Bubba.


I sincerely hope no one reading this Weblog is stupid enough to think they are in any way anonymous online. It takes more than a little know-how and skill and a whole lot of diligence to be truly anonymous online.


Short of that, keep in mind that anything you do or say online might some day appear in, well, the NYT, for example. If you don’t want it repeated later, don’t say/do it to begin with. Duh.

2:48:05 PM    
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Murmuring, `Move Over, EBay,' The U.S. Empties Its Closets. Are you looking to buy a limousine? A Gucci watch? How about a decommissioned Coast Guard cutter? By Rebecca Fairley Raney. [New York Times: Technology]

The FirstGov Website is a great source not just for info on government auctions and sales, but for all sorts of federal and state government info. If you don’t have this site bookmarked, you’re probably wasting time online.

2:39:55 PM    
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Last update: 8/1/2002; 5:08:05 PM.

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