Everything... Possible... Happens...
A certified genius and hopeless curmudgeon, the inimitable Dusty Rhodes doesn’t hesitate to speak his mind on whatever interesting tidbits he finds. Always irreverent, usually funny and occasionally enlightening views on news, trends and minutiae.


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  Wednesday, July 31, 2002


Pressplay to offer unlimited downloads. After failing to woo consumers away from file swapping, the major label-backed service will offer subscribers unlimited access to songs. [CNET News.com]

“My God, Charlie, we’re losing 50 cents on every widget we sell!”


“Yeah, sure, Joe, but we’ll make it up on volume.”

10:18:33 PM    
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Yet More On Drugs…


I was doing a little reading the other day – a bad habit we apparently share – when I ran across an interesting little tidbit. I was looking back at referrals to this page and noticed the various drug rants I’ve posted here still garner a lot of hits from search engines. More than anything save the now legendary Slashdot incident (brief explanation after this story). I wanted to find out why.


You may or may not remember – I don’t, at least not clearly – that I talked about the mix of prescription drugs I was on after a recent surgery. Turns out a couple of the drugs on my list are also on lists of the most abused prescription drugs, especially in combination.


Specifically, it’s a Big Thing to mix hydrocodone or (Vicodin, Perdodan/cet, Lortab, etc.) with Soma, a muscle relaxant that is not listed as a controlled substance at all. Apparently junkies, when they can’t get heroin - which in and of itself is a bit of a mystery, given the massive quantities of dirt cheap Mexican brown tar that make it to the US – find a Soma/hydrocodone cocktail to be the next best thing.


As regular readers know, I strongly oppose the US “War on Drugs.” If someone wants to waste their chemically shortened life in a perpetual narcotic haze, no skin off my back. In fact, I’d prefer the gov give junkies drugs so as to keep them from stealing my hard earned stuff.


Unfortunately, we live in a world ruled by stupidity. One of the many unintended consequences of the asinine WoD is people in serious chronic pain – people like me – can’t get the readily available, highly effective when used as directed, pain relief needed to function at anything close to a normal level. In other words, a bunch of fucking junkies are screwing it up for everyone else.


Thing is, the junkies are obviously a *lot* smarter than the idiots forming US drug policy. It’s not like the junkies care about legality. How the fuck does making it harder for people to legally acquire needed medicine make any difference whatsoever in the behavior of those who don’t respect the law? It’s insane, not to mention just plain stupid.


So listen up, all you stupid asswipes inside the beltway. Those of us in pain don’t give a rat’s ass that a few junkies may get a few doses of what is, by any definition, only a substitute for what they really want anyway, if it means we can get what our doctors tell us we need. My guess is none of you asswipes ever want for powerful narcotics when you’re in serious pain. What the fuck makes you think it’s OK to deny us? Hint: It’s not. Stop it. Now. Or we’ll throw your sorry asses out.

10:10:42 PM    
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Justice Dept. Investigating AOL's Accounting. AOL Time Warner said today that the Department of Justice had begun a criminal investigation into accounting at its AOL division, following a civil investigation begun by the Securities and Exchange Commission. By David D. Kirkpatrick. [New York Times: NYT HomePage]

Here we go again. Hang onto to your mutual fund statements. It’s going to be a bumpy ride, particularly while we have the Commander In Thief at the helm of the badly listing ship of state.

7:13:10 PM    
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Lawsuits of Detainees at Guantanamo Dismissed. A federal judge today said U.S. courts have no jurisdiction in the matter of detainees at Guantanamo. By The Associated Press. [New York Times: NYT HomePage]

OK, fair enough. So who the fuck DOES have jurisdiction? Not the World Court. The Dim Son doesn’t believe in the World Court. So, who has jurisdiction? Are these detainees supposed to qiuetly and conveniently just fade away into nothingness? Are they disposable humans?


This is a very troubling decision. Similar incidents from our past still haunt us today. Apparently we, as a people, are just too fucking stupid to learn from our myriad mistakes. Luckily, in this case, someone else pays the price for our idiocy.

7:11:45 PM    
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News Interceptor 0.95 Beta Released [BetaNews.Com]

Just a quick heads up on this groovy little tool. Can’t get enough news? It’s absolutely perfect for the truly compulsive blogger.

7:05:30 PM    
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Senate Panel Seeks to Weigh Risks on War With Iraq. Senator Joseph Biden urged the Bush administration today to better explain its plans to remove Saddam Hussein. By The Associated Press. [New York Times: Politics]

What the hell is this? Since when has reason, restraint and logic been the hallmark of our dealings with Iraq? Don’t these silly Democratic senators know Sadam is the Anti-Christ? Good thing George W. Dumbshit knows better.

2:52:09 PM    
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Stocks head south as economy sags [ZDNet Tech News]

“But, but, but the economy is actually growing,” the Bush corporate toady squad has been whining at us incessantly as stocks head father south faster than ever before under any US president and a $150 billion dollar surplus evaporates into a $165 billion shortfall in only a few short months.


Now it turns out when the Big Boob says over and over and over again, “The economy is fundamentally strong,” what he really means is, “I have no fucking clue what the fuck I’m babbling about.” Gosh, what a surprise.

2:50:29 PM    
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Lab tricks show dogs can count [New Scientist]

Big news: Dogs are smart. Duh. It’s the people who are fuckin’ idiots.

2:46:15 PM    
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Crowd Kills 2 Men After Van Crash in Chicago. Two men are dead after an angry mob pulled them from a van and beat them after their vehicle crashed into pedestrians. By The Associated Press. [New York Times: NYT HomePage]

Having lived there for more than 20 years, I always knew Chicago was a tough town. But man, it’s *really* a tough town.

2:18:24 PM    
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Superfund Makes a Rare Deal With Florida. Florida will pay for work at a toxic site that would normally be handled by the federal government. By John H. Cushman Jr.. [New York Times: Politics]

Gosh, the Superfund, which Boy George just gutted, has no money, but they find a method of creative accounting to pay for a project in Florida, where, in what is surely just a coincidence, the Dim Son’s even dimmer brother faces a tough re-election fight this fall.


Anyone buying that? Anyone at all? If so, immediately send me your payment in full before it’s too late.

2:15:49 PM    
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Bush Adviser Encourages Hacking [AP Tech News]

Legal protection for hackers? Brilliant. Just fucking brilliant. How fucking dumb can one White House staff be? Unfortunately, I think we’re only seeing the tip of the stupidity iceberg from Boy Blunder and his band of corporate toady half wits.

2:11:03 PM    
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US rejection of nuclear test treaty "unjustified" [New Scientist]

Gosh, you mean a big group of top scientists think Shrub is totally full of shit and using bad science to justify bad policy? I am shocked. Shocked, I tell you.

12:50:39 PM    
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roseate: Dictionary.com Word of the Day. roseate [Dictionary.com Word of the Day]

Bush economic and environmental policy, for example.

12:48:18 PM    
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Upheaval at Bertelsmann May End Plans for Acquisition of Napster. Thomas Middelhoff's ouster from Bertelsmann may be a crippling blow for Napster, the bankrupt online music service that Mr. Middelhoff championed. By Matt Richtel. [New York Times: Technology]

Napster? You’ve GOT to be kidding. That’s SOOOO 20th Century. Die, already, for fuck’s sake.

12:47:27 PM    
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Democratic Hopefuls Lift Their Voices and Spirits. A president who had appeared unassailable and unbeatable to Democratic presidential hopefuls seems at least to those who want to beat him to be exposed on many fronts. By Adam Nagourney. [New York Times: Politics]

With the notable exception of Al Gore, the Dems have been loath to attack the atrocious performance in office of His Accidency, George “Boy Blunder” Bush. Now, especially in light of recent corporate scandals involving the closest friends and corporate masters of the Dim Son, the rest of the Dem Pres hopefuls have visited the wizard and found their courage.


What a bunch of sad sack, whiny, cowardly little asswipes they all are. We have a guy in the White House that makes Reagan look like a fucking Rhodes scholar – like Bill Clinton – and the Dems can’t get their collective thumbs out of their collective asses long enough to deliver a cogent message. Pitiful. Leadership Council, my ass.

12:46:12 PM    
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Senatorial Rebukes. These are recent disciplinary actions against senators by the Senate or its ethics committee:. [New York Times: Politics]

Nice to see the GOP getting a little company. Thanks to Toricelli, the GOP no longer has a 4 to 1 lead in recent official Senatorial misconduct. Now it’s only 2 to 1. I guess these days they’re only twice as corrupt as the Dems.

12:40:00 PM    
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U.S.: Powell Meets Paek of N.Korea, 'Axis of Evil' Member. 08:42 ET - Reuters [NewsBlip.com]

Hey, what the hell happened to Idiot George’s “Axis of Evil?” Since when do we send our Sec of State to meet with his counterpart in evil?


Yo, Boy Blunder, does not your pointy little head spin with cognitive dissonance at such obvious contradictions? No? Ah, of course not. You are totally blissful.

12:36:56 PM    
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