Everything... Possible... Happens...
A certified genius and hopeless curmudgeon, the inimitable Dusty Rhodes doesn’t hesitate to speak his mind on whatever interesting tidbits he finds. Always irreverent, usually funny and occasionally enlightening views on news, trends and minutiae.


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  Friday, July 26, 2002


Dan Quayle. "What a waste it is to lose one's mind. Or not to have a mind is being very wasteful. How true that is." [Quotes of the Day]

4:05:25 PM    
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Oscar Wilde. "Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much." [Quotes of the Day]

4:05:11 PM    
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The Private Interest. Why does President Bush keep pushing privatization of Social Security? By Paul Krugman. [New York Times: Opinion]

I don’t usually post opinion pieces here. It’s *my* job to rant about the idiocy of the Smirking Chimp and his band of corporate toadies. But Paul Krugman has been at the forefront of the latest “revelations,” if you can call a 12 year old story a revelation, about Bush’s corporate misdeeds in the past.


Is there anyone out there stupid enough to believe that Bush and Cheney are refusing to release the records of their corporate pasts because those records show them to be pure as the fallen snow? If so, this is your last chance. Send me all of you money. Act now.

4:04:56 PM    
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U.S.: Powell Dismisses Debate on Whether He Might Resign. 06:26 ET - Reuters [NewsBlip.com]

Poor Colin Powell. I really feel for the guy. Can you imagine how hard it is for having more brains in his ass than the rest of the Smirking Chimp’s staff put together? OF COURSE he says he’s not going. Smart betters know a ruse when they see one.

4:01:08 PM    
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Real plays with Ogg Vorbis [ZDNet Tech News]

We’ve talked about the open source Ogg Vorbis codec here before. If you haven’t experienced it, here’s your chance. While we hate RealPlayer, Ogg Vorbis support is definitely a good thing. In our opinion, this codec beats hell out of Fraunhoffer and even LAME at equal bitrates.

3:57:55 PM    
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Clark Poised to Win in New Zealand [AP World News]

It’s nice to see the rest of the world isn’t nearly as stupid as we are. Congrats Helen Clark on your historic victory over conservatism.

3:55:42 PM    
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U.S.: Politicians Combat Scandal Backlash. 00:42 ET - AP [NewsBlip.com]

So, with all of the scandals swirling around their corporate power base and reaching right into the White House, the GOP is worried about getting their fat, white asses kicked in the upcoming midterms? Boo-fucking hoo.

3:54:08 PM    
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peregrination: Dictionary.com Word of the Day. peregrination [Dictionary.com Word of the Day]

3:52:00 PM    
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Congress blasts Feds on cyber-terror FOIA games. Get your story straight, lads [The Register]

Here’s one you won’t see from the US press. On cue, the Bushies never miss a chance to serve their corporate masters, even at the cost of freedom.


Does this surprise anyone? During the campaign, Bush commented, in response to a reporter’s question about the obvious free speech issues brought up by the Bush campaign filing suit against a small political satire Website (a suit that was laughed out of court, BTW), that, “There ought to be limits to freedom.”

3:51:08 PM    
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Monsoon Intensity Increasing as Earth Warms [Scientific American]

Hey, Idiot George has already shown us the way on global warming. After categorically denying its existence for 18 months, suddenly the Bushies not only acknowledged the reality of global warming, they embraced it.


So, what is the Bush solution to global warming? Borrowing a page from the Clayton Williams handbook of political rhetoric (Willams, running against Ann Richards for TX Gov, was quoted as saying a woman being raped should, “...just sit back and enjoy it.”), tells us we should just get used to it.


How on Earth did such a complete moron ever get elected president? Wait, I forgot. He wasn’t elected. Heck, he lost the elction by more than half a million votes. He was appointed by his GOP corporate crony buddies on the SCoUS.

3:46:55 PM    
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Drug Dogs Sniff Even 6-Year-Olds; Parents Sue. The parents of 17 students filed a lawsuit against a South Dakota school board and police department for bringing a drug-sniffing dog into a school to check children in every classroom. By Tamar Lewin. [New York Times: National]

From the “Idiots On Parade” file comes this story. OK, I know it’s South Dakota. But Great Ghu, how fucking stupid can you get? How many more billions of dollars must we spend and ridiculous stories like this must we see before we end our unbelievably stupid “War” on drugs?

3:41:08 PM    
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House Votes for Independent Inquiry on Intelligence Agencies' Actions on Sept. 11. The House voted to create an independent commission to investigate the performance of the nation's intelligence agencies surrounding the Sept. 11 attacks. By Alison Mitchell. [New York Times: National]

I was somewhat surprised to see this story. The White House has been feverishly trying to head off *any* independent investigation into the failures of intelligence that contributed to 9/11.


I would have thought a Congressional investigation more likely to come out of the Dem controlled Senate, not the GOP controlled House. This is one more example of the Boy Blunder losing the support of his hard right KKKristian supporters.

3:37:41 PM    
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Poll: Bush's popularity slips [USA Today : Front Page]

File this under “It’s About Fucking Time.” Yes, I know most people are idiots, but it still amazes me that, through scandal after scandal, Idiot George has enjoyed such unrealistically high approval ratings since 9/11.


Look for more bad news for the Bushies and their corporate crony GOP buddies right up to the midterms, where, with any luck, they will find out just how out of touch with the American public they really are.

3:34:51 PM    
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235,000 Software Engineers Can't Be Wrong, Right? [Slashdot]

Reverse the last two words in this headline and you might just be on to something. It never ceases to amaze me that the digital economy equivalent of ditch diggers have the hubris to think their expertise extends beyond the keyboard.


Why Ditch diggers? The function of most coders is merely to dig the digital ditches envisioned by their pointy headed bosses.


Here’s a hint to all of you coders who think you’re hot shit: Knowing math doesn’t mean your opinions on anything else carry any more weight than, well, ditch diggers.

3:30:03 PM    
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