The happiness of any of any society depends on the inner contentment of
those who compose it, yet in our modern societies such pieace of mind is
sadly lacking. Only an inner discipline can bring us to calmness of
mind via the conviction that humanity cannot survive except through
kindness, love and compassion. Human nature is basically good, gentle
and unaggressive. Compassion lies at the heart of what we are; we are
social creatures, dependent on each other, and the aim of life should be
to eradicate the negative thoughts and emotions that beset us and
develop 'the good heart'---which acts out of a desire to help others.
Compassion for each other's pain and suffering alone makes us human.
That we humans can help each other is one of our unique human
His Holiness the Dalai Lama
Most of all, kids with Asperger's need our support. It's important to like them and to spend time with them. At Keene State College, we build a web of support for certain AS individuals that includes fellow students, staff, and faculty. These are people who meet regularly as a group, participate in social problem solving and advice giving, and are basically available as friends. Certain non-AS students ("neuro-typicals") are given course credit to meet regularly with the AS student to provide social skills training and to study its effects.