Earl Bockenfeld's Radio Weblog : America's real drug problem, is called television. --Greg Palast
Updated: 9/1/2005; 1:40:15 AM.


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Thursday, August 18, 2005

Friday Cat Blogging

While they are undeniably fuzzy, cute creatures, cats are in fact bearers of almost certainly dangerous, even lethal contaminants. These contaminants, too tiny or diffuse to be detectable by human senses, range in form from oils to orificial gases. In order to help the cat owner, or those who come into regular contact with cats, to identify and avoid contamination by these pathogenic substances, I've created this handy guide to the most dangerous cat-based contaminant zones.

Face Oil Distribution Zone

Many cat owners don't know this, but cats secrete a type of oil from their faces. This oil is called "face oil" and is extremely noxious. Whenever you see cats rubbing their faces all over something, you may be assured that they are coating that object or surface with a thick layer of oozing, pestilential face oil, which is water-resistant and would probably smell bad if secreted in enough quantities. Cats, being mischievous creatures, love to spread their face oil all over anything they possibly can, including people's hands, beverage glasses, and anything else that might subsequently contact the human's mouth area.

Anal Cloud Zone

Possibly the most noxious but least understood of the cat-based contaminants, the feline anal cloud is a kind of haze that surrounds the anal regions of cats, that follows them as they walk. It is a well-known fact that one of the greatest pleasures for cats is to show their anuses to humans, or, if they can manage it, to actually put their anuses into people's faces. It's a rare cat encounter that doesn't include some type of exposure to a cat anus.

If you accidentally make contact with a cat anus, rinse the affected area immediately with hot water and antibacterial soap. If you breathe in anal cloud gas, quickly run outside and take deep, whooping breaths for fifteen minutes, then smear Vick's Vap-o-Rub all over your chest and neck.

Paw Contact Zones

The only thing cats love more than smearing face oil on things or putting their anuses into your face is walking all over anything. Most cat owners regard this foul practice with benevolent forbearance, but they are actually condoning the massive spread of lethal bacteria and other dangerous substances onto surfaces that can then infect human beings.

While cat paws look and feel perfectly harmless, they are actually crawling with germs of all kinds. The primary offender is residue from cat litter boxes, that makes its way onto the paws when the cat enters the box, defecates or urinates, and then scratches the litter onto the excreta. Although the idea of an animal crapping in a box is, on the surface, an appealing concept, the reality is that the average litter box is a veritable bazaar of deadly pathogens, and anything that the cat's paws touch is sure to be covered in short order with waves upon waves of deadly, disgusting germs.

There is no sure-fire preventive measure to safeguard against paw contamination, except to prevent your cat from walking on any surface that is not immediately thereafter sterilized. Cats can also be made to wear special silicone-based booties that are washed regularly, no less than once per hour, in an anti-microbial solution.
(reprinted from Trout Fishing in South Central Wisconsin )

categories: Humor
Other Stories according to Google: Watermark: Friday Cat Blogging | Watermark: Friday Cat Blogging | Watermark: Friday Cat Blogging | Watermark: Friday Cat Blogging | Watermark: Friday Cat Blogging | Watermark: Friday Cat Blogging | Friday Cat Blogging | Schussman.com: Friday cat blogging | The Oubliette: friday cat blogging | The Washington Monthly

9:50:59 PM    

A Simple Question About Gasoline Prices

Why hasn't the price of gasoline skyrocketed in Europe?

Because it hasn't.

If our price is the direct result of a world shortage, as the oil companies claim, why isn't the rest of the world similarly affected? The price of gas in Britain five years ago was around $5/gal. Since then it has risen in increments to about $5.85/gal. If the British price had risen in the last few months to the same stratospheric degree that the US price has, it would be closer to $10/gal.

It isn't.

Why isn't it?

The same is true in every other country in the world. Gas prices have NOT risen in any of them anything like the US price. In Japan, the price of gas has hardly moved at all. Five years ago, it was $4/gal; today it's about $4.40.

What is there about the world oil market that makes us so...special?  Just asking.

I kinda sorta thought maybe it was, you know, like, a SCAM. But I didn't want to assume it automatically. One should leave open the opportunity for somebody to offer a counter-explanation that doesn't include corporate highway robbery and vast consumer ignorance and gullibility.

Should one exist, that is. 
Add to your thoughts the fact that prices in the US can vary from 2.50 to 3.50 per gallon and the obvious questions of WTF become even more pressing.

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2:19:01 PM    

Rush Limbaugh: World's Greatest Satirist

Cindy Sheehan: The right wingers are really having a field day with me. It hurts me really badly, but I am willing to put up with the crap, if it ends the war a minute sooner than it would have....

Bob Zmuda has a novel idea, Rush is NOT a right-wingnut, he's just putting us on as the world's greatest Satirist.

By now, we're all familiar with the quote from yesterday's Rush Limbaugh show in which he accused Cindy Sheehan of faking documents in order to make it appear as if her son had been killed.

When I first read the remark I flew into a rage, using my arms to melodramatically sweep decorative items off various tables whilst exclaiming shallow insults directed at his bulbous forehead. I finally came to my senses as I attempted to pull the sink out of the floor so as to smash it through the wall and escape to watch the ballgame.

This is all a joke, I thought.

Eureka! We're all the victims of an elaborate Dittopunking: a meta-joke orchestrated by Rush Limbaugh, who we can now comfortably refer to as Rush Limbaugh: World's Greatest Satirist. All these years, Rush Limbaugh has been satirizing modern Republicanism.


We do it all the time. We imitate and exaggerate those worthy of ridicule in order to prove a point or get a laugh or both. Saturday Night Live, The Daily Show, Al Franken, and The Simpsons all employ satire as a means of serving up a point of view. But it never occurred to me that Rush is playing a character as a means to prove a point about the worst aspects of Republicanism.

Do the math. It's common knowledge that he's used pseudonyms in the past (Rusty Sharpe and Jeff Christy, for example). That bulbous forehead could be a sophisticated silicon appliance. Throw in multiple divorces and drug addiction while preaching moral values and the satire rises to surface. You know what? Andy Kaufman or Don Novello could be under there for all we know.

The dots were further connected as I researched yesterday's Rush Limbaugh Program. Within the transcript, I discovered this:
These are basically a bunch of miserable, angry people exploiting death.

Rush was referring to Cindy Sheehan and those who support her. But not really. Check it out. This is so damn smart. While his "Rush" character appeared to be accusing us of exploiting death, he was actually taking a deliciously subversive stab at the Bush administration who, while "angry and miserable", used 9/11 for its own political gain.

Perhaps he was slyly commenting on the "America Supports You Freedom March" orchestrated by the Pentagon and featuring Clint Black. You know, the march that blurs the line between the Iraq War and 9/11 and turns it all into a big PR stunt. Megadittos, El Rushbo (wink, wink)!

Either way, that single statement perfectly spoofed the right's hypocrisy.

More from yesterday:

I'm weary, ladies and gentlemen, of even having to express sympathy. "Oh, she lost her son!" Yes, yes, yes, but (sigh) we all lose things.
Now that's cutting edge satire worthy of the greatest minds of our time. Not only did he rip Bush's unsympathetic "I have to move on with my life" comment, but he also sliced into the the right-wing's uncanny ability to trivialize the war dead. "We all lose things." I love it! If he had followed it up with a "Flip Flop" chant, it would've been spot on.

I can imagine George Carlin saying something like that while mocking the right-wing. On second thought, Carlin would be much funnier and probably nowhere near that insensitive, but we're only grading the satire here. Besides, who am I to judge Rush Limbaugh: World's Greatest Satirist?

The evidence is incontrovertible. The gig is up. I can't wait to see the look on the faces of all those poor, naive Dittoheads when they learn that the console-tapping, nuhnuh-nuhnuh-chanting voice from which they derive all their political thought... is actually punking them. Satire on loan from God is what I say.

Time to come clean now, "Rush", or whoever you are ( ?).

Nothing the Cheesy Gordita says or does has the power to shock or surprise anymore. The satirist angle is an interesting hypothesis, but a humor-Republican association is unprecedented in the modern era. I lean towards a destructive force of Nature explanation. Similar to a hurricane, but fueled by radio waves, money and narcotics instead of moist warm air. Composed of insubstantial substances, yet deadly if you’re in its path. Beautiful in its own way.

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1:08:58 PM    

Thursdays Prayer

Dear Intelligent Designer:

I hope you don't mind getting mail from your designees, I figure a little feedback is always healthy. When I first heard that evolution wasn't just a natural process, but was actually all done on purpose, I was kind of pleased by the idea. It was nice to know there was somebody out there looking out for us. Or well, I guess you're not a person, but a being, anyway. I try to think the best of beings.

So, I appreciate all the good stuff you've done. Flowers, songbirds, sex, all very nice. Or, mostly nice. But the more I thought a bout it, the more I started to get, I don't know how to say this any more nicely, kind of disappointed in a few things. So if you'll just give me a moment of your time, here are some things you might want to reconsider.

Are you really looking out for us after all? For one thing, you really ought to stop intelligently designing those bacteria to be resistant to antibiotics. Evidently you originally designed the bacteria to kill us and make us sick, and I'm sure you had your reasons. Intelligent doesn't have to mean nice. So now you're probably a little annoyed with us for coming up with ways to kill the the bugs first, but give us a break! It seems to me if we start to figure out how to stay alive for a while, you should just accept that. We get to design things too, okay? Same goes for HIV. What's that all about anyway? It was bad enough you intelligently designed it in the first place, now you keep redesigning it so the drugs don't work. Enough already. And then there's the flu virus. Don't get me started with that one. Don't you have anything better to do?

Then there's the whole question of the human body. It has a lot of great features, but a few of them just seem -- sorry to have to say this, but it's true -- not very intelligent. To begin with, there's that stupid appendix, that doesn't seem to do anything except get infected. Then there's the birth canal. It's not a problem for me personally but it is for at leat half of my friends. It's too small for the baby's head, causes no end of trouble. I could go on and on with that. The lower back. I don't expect perfection, everything has to wear out and break down eventually, but there are some pretty obvious improvements you could make there.

Then, as if an appendix isn't bad enough, you made it even worse by giving me a solitary cecal diverticulum. Damn near killed me, for no good reason that I can see.Then there are allergies. Multiple sclerosis. Schizophrenia. Huntington's disease. Neurofibromatosis. These appear to be manufacturing defects, rather than design flaws per se, but shouldn't you exercise better oversight? (By the way, can you give me the name and phone number of the being in charge of manufacturing? Or at least the mailing address? I promise I'll be civil.) The quality of the product is a reflection on you, after all, and I'd think you'd take more pride in it.

Next, I don't want to call you a hypocrite, but I hear that you get really, really angry when people kill those innocent preborn babies. But then I read that you do it yourself! Specifically, out of 100 zygotes, about 50 fail to implant in the uterus and uhh, well, there goes a Sacred Human Life down the toilet. Of the remaining 50, 30% (that's 15) are simply sloughed off in what appears to be a normal, perhaps late, menstrual cycle and the woman probably will never know that she was preganant. The remaining 35 embryos will last at least 35 days, after which pregnancy may be recognized. Of these, 25% will die in utero, perhaps recognized as a miscarriage. That leaves about 26 of the original 100 innocent preborn babies unslain by you. So why is it okay for you, and not for us? Just asking.

Now, there are some things that bother some people that are okay with me. For instance, I have nothing against beetles. You're entitled to your obsessions. It's kind of ridiculous that the whales keep stranding themselves on the beach but it's not my problem. And kudzu is a major pain but I guess it's our own fault for putting it where it doesn't belong. (That's still no excuse for poison ivy.)

Anyhow, just a few thoughts, I hope you don't mind. I know I've mostly been pretty critical, but I hope you'll take it professioally, not personally. If you're interested, I have some more ideas.

Your artifact,

(reprinted from

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10:37:27 AM    

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