Earl Bockenfeld's Radio Weblog : America's real drug problem, is called television. --Greg Palast
Updated: 9/1/2005; 1:40:17 AM.


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Comments by: YACCS

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Tuesday, August 23, 2005

An American VFW Patriot

OMFG, if you've lost the VFW, you've lost the war. I did notice on seeing tapes of the VFW audience, some members with held their applause. The vets aren't happy and that is not good for a "national security" president.

Bill Moyer, 73, wears a "Bullshit Protector" flap over his ear while President George W. Bush addresses the Veterans of Foreign Wars. (AP Photo/Douglas C. Pizac)

So maybe all americans need to be protected with bullshit protection flaps.....

Looks like the vaunted White House advance screening/purging operation has slipped a bit. Back in the day, this dude would have never gotten through the door. He would have been "rendered" a couple miles down the road to the protestors' paddock.

The thing around his neck says Army and if he's 73, I'm guessing he was in Korea??

The photographer got his name and age, which means that Mr. Moyer was willing to give out that information. Brave guy twice over. Once for fighting in Korea and twice for being willing to stand up to the Rovian slime machine.

AP caption says he served in the post WWII occupation of Germany, in Korea and in Vietnam.

Why does it take our senior generation to tell us like it is. How can anyone make a more profound statement than that of Mr. Moyer. I can only guess that with age, comes the innate ability to know who is really the cause of that "clusterf***" called Iraq.

categories: Politics
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8:22:27 PM    

Nora O'Donnell, Unarmed in a Battle of Wits

NBC needs to assign O'Donnell to anchor a gardening show. She's certainly not up to her current assignment.

Nora O'Donnell playing the part of a sexy TV newsperson, tried to fill in for Chris Matthews on MSNBC's Hardball. Mark Williams appeared on Hard Ball today and was about as obnoxious a ass as I've seen. He was like a rabid animal, practically foaming at the mouth. Hysteria. He-well I can't call it a debate because he filibustered the whole segment, so much so that Nora lost control of the segment. Norah should have taken charge and forcefuilly told him to cool it. Instead, she practically begs him to allow Mrs. Rowley to speak. When he wouldn't do so is when O'Donnell should have cut off his microphone. A demagogue like Williams probably sensed that he could get away it and O'Donnell proved that he was right.

I know that it must be tough for Norah O'Donnell filling in for Chris Matthews on MSNBC's Hardball. What, with makeup, the hair stylist and all, I'm sure she doesn't have the time to actually look up any, well, facts before the pretty camera light goes on.

The Yellow Dog Blog is here to help. So, Norah, before you go on the air and once again refer to Cindy Sheehan and the protestors in Crawford as "anti-war extremists," please have a look at numbers showing that the good people at Camp Casey are very much in the mainstream.

From the CNN/USA Today/Gallup Poll of Aug. 5-7, 2005:

* 54 percent of Americans believe the United States made a mistake in sending troops to Iraq.
* 54 percent say it was not worth going to war in Iraq.
* 56 percent believe things are going either "moderately badly" or "very badly" in Iraq.
* 57 percent of respondents say that the war with Iraq has made the U.S. less safe from terrorism.

How about the Newsweek Poll from Aug. 2-4, 2005?

* 61 percent of Americans disapprove of the way Bush is handling the situation in Iraq.
* 64 percent say that the Iraq war has not made Americans safer from terrorism.

Let's look at the Associated Press/Ipsos poll dated Aug. 1-3, 2005:

*Respondents were asked "When it comes to handling the situation in Iraq, do you approve or disapprove or have mixed feelings about the way George W. Bush is handling that issue?" 59 percent disapprove. So you see, Norah, people who disagree with the war in Iraq are actually in the majority.

You're welcome. Now, please apologize to Coleen Rowley, who you blindsided on Hardball last night. Say you're sorry to Cindy Sheehan while you're at it.

Oh, and don't worry, the secret and the incredible irony -- that you have a Bachelor of Arts degree in philosophy, is safe with me.
Go to Crooks and Liars, and 'roll the tape'.

I don't know if Norah couldn't stop him or just didn't want to stop him. She seems to revel in anyone that defends the chickenhawk n thief. Again, a right winger displaying all the characteristics of their ilk. They are experts at shouting down anyone with whom they disagree. This man should have been given a valium enema!

Just to note, Williams is a blowhard chickenhawk, Rowley a former FBI agent. My bet is that while he'd be wimpering in the corner, she'd kick his ass and pistol whip him for sport.

categories: Outrages
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2:20:17 PM    

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