Earl Bockenfeld's Radio Weblog : America's real drug problem, is called television. --Greg Palast
Updated: 9/1/2005; 1:40:17 AM.


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Comments by: YACCS

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Wednesday, August 24, 2005


No Exit Strategy (Or, spinnin' wheels keeps a-spinnin' around!)

Bush Defending His Iraq War Policy

President Bush vowed anew that there would be no retreat from the war in Iraq as he addressed a rocking crowd of military families Wednesday, a supportive contrast to the anti-war demonstrators who have been shadowing him wherever he goes.
In all, more than 2,000 U.S. military service members have been killed in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Outside, Brenda Mansell of Boise was among the protesters standing in one of the small close-in zones set up for demonstrators. She said she put her 20-year-old son, a Marine, on a plane Tuesday for his second tour of duty in Iraq.

"This has to stop," Mansell said, holding a photo of her son, Scott, and a sign calling for his return home. "Maybe if it starts with the mothers, the rest of the world will follow."

President Bush, defending his Iraq war policy in the face of anti-war opposition and slumping approval ratings, says pulling out before the mission is complete would dishonor the memory of all the Americans who fought and died inpursuit of freedom.

Translation: "Death before dishonor, as long as it's someone else's kids doing the death part... 9/11. Support our troops in the noble cause. 9/11. Stay the course... Terra... 9/11. You can't get fooled ...9/11 again!"

A Toast to Noble Causes

Words are funny, they run and hide
They carry poison, they get you high
Marvelous, but better yet
Words are something
We haven't yet destroyed...completely

Life is funny, full of pride and pain
Happy people, some of them insane
Beautiful, but oh so fleeting
Life is something
We haven't yet destroyed...completely

Raise a glass
To the silent ones
Raise a glass
And look around the room
Raise a glass
And make a toast
A toast to noble causes
A toast to noble causes
To the silent ones

God is love, and surely god is hate
Hire him, he'll jump right out your cake
Mysterious, in the cool of the garden
God is something
We haven't yet destroyed...completely

Ghosts are made, a thousand different ways
Carry them, carry them all of your days
Curious, in the void
Ghosts are something
We haven't yet destroyed...completely

Raise a glass
To the silent ones
Raise a glass
And look around the room
Raise a glass
And make a toast
A toast to noble causes
A toast to noble causes
To the silent ones

Words are funny, they run and hide
They carry poison, they get you high
Marvelous, but better yet
Words are something
We haven't yet destroyed...completely

Life is funny, full of pride and pain
Happy people, some of them insane
Beautiful, but oh so fleeting
Life is something
We haven't yet destroyed...completely

Raise a glass
To the silent ones
Raise a glass
And look around the room
Raise a glass
And make a toast
A toast to noble causes
A toast to noble causes
To the silent ones


Mortaljive:  This song is dedicated to Cindy and Casey Sheehan.

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10:31:47 PM    

Military Picture Of The Day

Taylor: Troops short of armor
BILOXI - U.S. Rep. Gene Taylor said Tuesday night in a town hall meeting that Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld has made it difficult to get armor for troops in Iraq.

Since the war began in 2003, he said he has been contacted by parents of military personnel about the lack of adequate body armor and he has seen through visits to Iraq that soldiers are armoring their vehicles themselves. Taylor said the Department of Defense is using words to trick people about the degree to which vehicles are armored by saying they meet standards but, in reality, only six in 10 vehicles are armored.

"I can't tell you how frustrated I have been asking questions about it," Taylor said.

He also said there were problems with the production of armor for vehicles. He said he visited the Rock Island Arsenal in Illinois and, in a defense factory equal to "three Superdomes," there were only four production workers at their stations at 2 on a Friday afternoon.

He also said there was not much information from the Defense Department given to the congressional delegation related to technology available to soldiers. He said he saw a device on a Humvee that was made to destroy the signal insurgents use to remotely detonate the improvised explosive devices that they use to attack convoys.

Taylor said Rumsfeld told him he could not say how many of the signal-jamming devices were being sent to Iraq because that information was classified, leaving Taylor to wonder if the government is doing an adequate job of protecting combat forces in Iraq.

And in other news:
Pentagon Orders 1,500 More Troops to Iraq

N.C. aircraft mechanics help Marines with helicopter shortage

Song of the Day
Topping the Country charts - "God Bless You Cindy Sheehan"  by Les Visible

categories: Outrages
Other Stories according to Google: The Normandy Invasion: The Story in Pictures | Army Times | America's Army Files - Picture of The Day | America's Army Files - Picture of The Day | America's Army Files - Picture of The Day | America's Army Files - Add your own Picture of The Day

9:05:32 PM    

Bush: "It's Important For Me To Go On With My Life"

Bush says "
I think it's also important for me to go on with my life, to keep a balanced life.'' "I think the people want the president to be in a position to make good, crisp decisions and to stay healthy,'' he said when asked about bike riding while a grieving mom wanted to speak with him.

Definitely Bush's "Let them eat cake" moment.

This is from the transcript of the president in Idaho yesterday:

Q ... I'll ask you about the Iraqi constitution. You said you're confident that it will honor the rights of women.


Q If it's rooted in Islam, as it seems it will be, is that still -- is there still the possibility of honoring the rights of women?

THE PRESIDENT: I talked to Condi, and there is not -- as I understand it, the way the constitution is written is that women have got rights, inherent rights recognized in the constitution, and that the constitution talks about not "the religion," but "a religion." Twenty-five percent of the assembly is going to be women, which is a -- is embedded in the constitution.

What the hell did he just say above? That was not a "CRISP" comment. He never completed a real sentence. Is he inferring that somehow women will have rights? How can women have rights if... oh I don't get it. Janine and Sam on Air America and they have been playing this clip all night and had Juan Cole on the air to try to explain it...well no one can explain what bush actually was trying to say.

I don't think he knows either, but it doesn't sound like a 'Noble' cause. What a Dumbass.

categories: Outrages
Other Stories according to Google: Bush : " It's Important For Me To Go On With My Life " | WashBlog: Bush : It's important for me to go on with my life | BUSH SAYS " IT'S IMPORTANT FOR ME TO GO ON WITH MY LIFE " | Crawford | No More Apples: "I THINK IT'S IMPORTANT FOR ME TO GO ON WITH MY LIFE " | horkulated - " It's important for me to go on with my life " | statesman.com | Bush defends decision not to meet with anti-war mom | American Politics Journal -- The Crawford Bunker | More letters | The Arizona Daily Star ® | Camp Sheehan Photos | Daily Blague: Wide of the Mark

10:50:26 AM    

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