
Updated: 8/1/2002; 1:01:07 PM

Off Topic: Shawn Dodd's Weblog
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permalink for this date  Wednesday, July 03, 2002

A Wireless End Run Around the Broadband Industry 

Business Week: "Just as Napster changed the monopolistic music industry by making it easier and essentially free to obtain music, Wi-Fi could rip apart the burgeoning broadband industry, a duopoly of established cable and telecom companies, by replacing last-mile connectivity with last-acre connectivity." [Scripting News]

Just when I was getting depressed about DRMOS/TCPA/Palladium, along comes a story like this to cheer me up.  Never underestimate the network effect.  And it's nice to hear BusinessWeek call the broadband industry a duopoly.  Tell it!

This kind of sharing was what built the Internet in the first place.  The telecom and cable giants have appropriated it and taken all that away from us.  With wireless networking over unlicensed spectrum, we're gonna take it back.

A great quote from the piece: "'We're joking that a piece of chalk could destroy the entire multibillion-pound 3G industry,' laughs [Matt] Jones."

5:11:38 PM  permalink for this item  source of this news item

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Shawn/Male/26-30. Lives in United States/Austin Texas/North Austin and speaks English. Uses a Fast (128k-512k) connection.