
Updated: 8/1/2002; 1:01:20 PM

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permalink for this date  Tuesday, July 30, 2002

Anti-competitive Subtext of Big Media's Legislative Agenda 

Biden Alert "These legislative initiatives aren't just about copyright. They're about building a regime that's hostile to content that comes from anyone other than Big Media suppliers." [Instapundit.com]

Glen Reynolds puts it plainly.  Whether hostility to non-Big Media producers is intentional or an unintended consequence, it is still significant.  And it's reason enough for Congress to say no to these initiatives. 

The Entertainment Oligopoly has a long history of being fundamentally anti-competitive.  This legislation is a consequence of the new market reality that Big Entertainment is no longer able to rely on its historic market dominance to squash competitors -- necessitating that it purchase legislation to protect its illegally-maintained oligopoly position.

2:21:51 PM  permalink for this item 

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Shawn/Male/26-30. Lives in United States/Austin Texas/North Austin and speaks English. Uses a Fast (128k-512k) connection.