Patent Sanity At The W3C W3C Rejects Patents on Net Tech. The World Wide Web Consortium, which develops Internet protocols that ensure access for all, says after long deliberation, it won't allow companies to retain patents on standards it approves. By Robert McMillan. [Wired News]
Ahhhh. That's me heaving a deep sigh of relief. Now there's no uncertainty. If you decide to adopt W3C technology, you no longer have to worry that the rug might get yanked out from under you. You don't have to worry what failing startup might come out of nowhere and blindside everyone with some ridiculous submarine patent. You don't have to worry how the standard fits into some giant software corporation's global IP strategy.
You can adopt and support W3C standards without wondering when the next landmine is going to blow up in your face.
Now if only the IETF would follow suit...
10:27:37 PM