Let's Fight! Lik-Sang changes hands, preps mod-chip court case. Blimey [The Register]
This is one crazy case. I think it's pretty exciting. When I first heard of Lik-Sang, it just sounded like another small merchant being crushed by giant corporations using the un-Constitutional laws they purchased from our whoring legislators. But this small merchant is different.
Lik-Sang is going to fight. In fact, they've realized just how disruptive defending themselves is going to be, and have chosen to turn over the day-to-day operation of the business to a third party. They're devoting all their time and attention to winning the case.
I'm pretty sure that's not what Nintendo/Microsoft/Sony's lawyers had in mind when they sent Lik-Sang that cease-and-desist letter.
Let's all wish Lik-Sang luck. They're fighting for your rights.
6:07:42 PM