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Sunday, June 02, 2002

Dogs: the best anti-terrorist device  Ohio. Ohio's newly trained bomb sniffing dogs can detect up to 41 different types of explosives and even through doors. ''There's no machine that's been made yet that can do what a dog can do ... A dog can smell through its nose and mouth a million times better than we can''...

Can dogs sniff out prostate cancer Researchers are betting they can. Dogs have such a good sense of smell that they can detect abnormal odors quite easily and because "cancer cells produce different chemicals and therefore have different odors," a dog may detect these odors in urine specimens. The current prostate cancer test is not very accurate; yet researchers will require the dogs to be 100% accurate...

Disaster planning for dogs  Kauai. Emergency disaster planning for dogs includes a week's supply of food and water, medication pouch and instructions in writing, and everything in one place in the event of an evacuation...

Grooming a dog to death Following her chow's death at a grooming salon, a woman fights to change laws so pets will be better protected at groomers. (Her dog had jumped out of a groomer's tub and hanged itself)...
Taming the antisocial dog Training a dog is an ongoing process. According to Mike Kennedy, dog trainer, "the biggest mistakes are not enough praise and overcorrecting the dog,"  "There are no bad dogs, only bad owners"...

Dog days of summer deadly Hot summer days can bring brain damage, stroke and death to dogs who do not receive minimal protection from heat. Tips like icing your dogs' water before leaving for the day and never leaving your dog in even an open car can make all the difference...