Saturday, April 05, 2003

Snack does not understand where his food comes from. He has some vague idea of causality, but he doesn't get the connection between my walking out to the deck, opening the cat food box, walking back into the house, and depositing food in his bowl. He meows at me, asking to be fed, and I tell him there is already food in his bowl.

Lately, if I'm next to his bowl when he's meowing at me, I motion at it and utter some magic word - like some celebrity cat chef magician - Pow, or Shazam - to make him think the food springs forth from my very fingertips.

I don't know if the piano actually sounds more in tune, or just believing it's at concert pitch makes a difference. But yesterday and today it feels more beautiful to me, after the latest tuning and repair.

2:55:16 PM