Tuesday, April 29, 2003

Sometimes waiting tables is being in madcap 1950's comedy, or 1980's remake of the same themes, a little more risque, but perhaps less so, having nothing left to the imagination, where the protaganist mistakenly ends up with mutliple dates to the prom, and you run, frantically and ferociously, from one table to the next, all the while pretending everything is fine.

Mike Daus wrote a nice note back in response to my pro-choice missive, sympathizing with his dilemma, but encouraging his support. He said that the problem was, from his perspective, that everyone wanted you to be 100% on either side of the issue. I wonder if the liberal left either abandoned the issue, or baited the right the way they bait the issue with partial birth abortions, maybe using something equally statistically extreme, like a uncle pa raping 12 year old sister daughter in some satanic ritual after forcing her to take fertility drugs, if we would achieve tenken, pulling the issue out of the debate entirely, or having the opponent roll past us in the extremety of their response. The right has used the issue to so effectively mobilize social conservatives, who are otherwise HUGELY betraying their class and other interests, and we've been baited ourselves, even pretending choice should be an issue. Especially when there are so many other much more critical issues eroding the health and well being of everyone, especially babies who make it out alive.

I just don't believe we've found our message, our unifying, rallying cry. We're so complex, so policy oriented, so intrigued with our own ideological turf battles.

12:58:29 AM