Thursday, May 01, 2003

One of the problems with prisons and politics these days is that politicians vote for legislation they know won't work that appeals only to people's least common denominator - vengeance. And more prisons beget more criminals begets more vengeance.

11:01:33 AM    

I just read an article about worms from the space shuttle disaster being found alive.

I wonder if worms may provide a means of both carrying human genetic material, while simultaneously helping make a planet habitable. No, it wouldn't be the instant terraforming of science fiction. But we could send pods up, vastly more than we could with humans on board, and just launch them into areas where we have some suspicion that life could develop, with some of the rudimentaries of what we know is required to develop habitable worlds. I think we place too much emphasis on conciousness and not enough on survivability of species - which is, after all, more important - waiting until we have the resources and/or knowledge to send humanned space craft, or tesseract teams, or trying now to guarantee survival of species, propogating like some virus into the universe, taking hold where we might, over the eons, eke out an existence. Maybe that's how we got here in the first place.

My bed now is marshmallows. A reverse s'more. With me, a pale graham cracker, sandwiched between. Makes it hard, with these deliciously cool nights and mornings, to rouse myself from slumber.


3:40:08 AM