Thursday, September 8, 2005
There are very few things that will get me to San Francisco (I don't do cities well, especially when the parking is traumatic): DUX; Philip Glass performing the scores to the Qatsi trilogy; the premier of John Adams' Doctor Atomic; or maybe a Tiki Art show:
Tiki Art Two show in SF opens September 16. . . "On Friday, September 16, 2005 The Shooting Gallery & Tiki News unveil 'Tiki Art Two' — new work
from the top artists in the Tiki art scene and artists who have been uniquely inspired to create Tiki related works."
"In addition to the exhibit this stunning display of neo-primitive images is captured in a 116 page full color cata-
log available opening night. Published by 9mm Books, the catalog features an introduction by world famous artist, curator and art writer
Jeffrey Vallance, and foreword by Tikimiester [sic] Otto von Stroheim, publisher of Tiki News."
Link [Boing Boing]
8:44:33 PM
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Last update: 10/1/05; 7:14:46 PM.
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